Fotos de Aidai Shaidyldaeva

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Aceita hóspedes

  • Último login há quase 5 anos

Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de Aidai.

Visão geral

  • Sem referências
  • Fluente em: English, Russian; aprendendo: French, Turkish
  • 30, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2013
  • business aviation
  • Economics and Management
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 75% concluído

Sobre Mim


Hi, my name is Aidai) Originally and basically i am from nomad Kyrgyzstan, Bishkek.
Now everything is connected with travelling and exploring (its a part of my life and daily work)

I live with my family, so sometimes we are happy to see travelers at home.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?


i can host sometimes and i would be glad to be hosted


I used to activelly use couchsurfing via my friend`s profile during 1 year( p.s sorry if i didnt reply on someones messages because i forgot my password (2013-14) ) and Couchsurging helped us a lot time ( esp in Europe)
so now i would like to host smbody in my city wherever i live )


news, languages , art, travelling

  • news
  • traveling

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Depends on mood

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

still nothing) p.s I dont know

Países que Visitei

Austria, Belgium, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Spain, Turkey, Uzbekistan, Vatican City State

Países em que Morei

Czech Republic, Kyrgyzstan, Russian Federation

Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de Aidai.

Meus Grupos