Aishwarya Kadri's Photo

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  • Last login 12 months ago

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  • 10 references 7 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu; learning Urdu
  • 30, Female
  • Member since 2016
  • Tree hugging orangutan
  • They tried
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hello there, stranger
Welcome to my profile
Thank you for dropping by!

Now well, about me.... Some intelligence agency or the other knows a whole lot about me. And you. How about we ask there?

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I have itchy feet. The feet want what the feet want.

Travelling increases my odds of crossing trails with lovely people.

Travel to me is an endeavor to have my prejudices whittled away from me. If you spot any, tell me. I would really appreciate that.

I own an awfully happy and excitable heart. I wear it on my sleeve. And I am in the habit of plucking it off my sleeve, tossing it into a ziplock bag and handing it to the wanderers I meet. That way my heart can behold places that I will never cross. My spirit approves.

It had gotten in touch some time back to inform me that it is wild and that it refuses to be caged.

The above used to be my stance from sometime ago. I am a lot less hedonistic now, and know that the very fact that I could imagine a life of travel, mostly for the joy of it, came from a place of privilege. The idea of leaving my carbon footprint all over a planet on which capital can move to find labour that is easiest to exploit while labour is stranded, sorta cured my itchy feet.
Those feet now have marches to march and battles to fight. The spirit is wilder than ever though, and the heart still is happy and excitable. Those two just learnt a lesson in humility. They dream of the near impossible now. They want to yoke their efforts in helping to build a world in which things like healthy food and clean water and fresh air and warm homes and reliable healthcare and love and freedom and such other basic necessities aren't commodified.
If you happen to be a comrade that chanced upon this, do send me a revolutionary greeting. I would love that :)


Political geography; ecology; herbs; medicinal plants; trees; writing; books; food; fruits; sociology; poetry; spoken word poetry; people watching, sometimes creepily :P

  • writing
  • books
  • animal welfare
  • reading
  • traveling
  • history
  • social justice
  • intersectionality
  • feminism
  • satire
  • socialism
  • ideas
  • dark humor
  • communism
  • humour
  • intersectional feminism
  • marxism

Music, Movies, and Books

When I first plunged headlong into the world of books, most of my favourite writers were Indian. I think it had something to do with being able to relate to the writing. Salman Rushdie, Kiran Desai, Rohinton Mistry and of course Arundathi Roy. I love Arundhati. The God of Small things. All her non fiction. Everything she stands for. She won't reply to my emails though. And that's the reason both Arundhati and I are going to die alone. Notice how I decided to pretend I am on a first name basis with her. Sigh. Stuff unrequited love makes us do

I am very picky about the movies I watch. Bad ones make me grouchy.
And Music? I enjoy music with nice lyrics. I am a notorious bathroom singer, be warned. :P

Edit: When I read a good book, I read it slowly, very slowly. I like to stretch the moment and savor it. But despite my obsessive and almost unhealthy manner of lazily masticating words, I found myself suffering a dearth, because well, I wasn't opening up to all of literature.
But I digress. No wait. Here is another digression. Tell me about a book that you love in your message/couch request to me. Also tell me why you love that book so much. However, If you do not read, or you will not, or cannot disclose anything about the reading material of your choice, (because you are say the Illuminati, or an undercover agent) I mandate that you address me as: 'Oh, brilliant ray of star light' or 'Oh, most bountiful and merciful one.'
I like one of those titles more than the other. But you will have to take a gamble.
If you do not do the aforementioned, I will know that you haven't bothered to read any of this. Ergo, I will not bother myself with issuing a response to you, and you won't even know why, because, well...So, asides aside, I was saying, I am now reading books from just about everywhere. And I must confess, I am having a whale of a time. Joseph Heller, Kurt Vonnegut, Markus Zusak and Jonathan Stroud have recently wormed their way into my affection. Oh, and Gerald Durrell. Prose so beautiful, the imagery so exquisite, my heart lies lost amidst the cypresses on a faraway island.

If found, please return to owner.

P.S: Update long long overdue! I have been reading a lot of Marxist literature lately. There isn't a path out of here, is there? Radicalized beyond repair.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

There are legends that in days of yore, this space told the most awe inspiring (read oftentimes juvenile and sometimes amusing) tales. At this juncture, I would name learning to love myself unconditionally, the best, if not the most amazing thing I've done.

Teach, Learn, Share

Okay, I know that the odds of this happening tend to zero, but I will put it out there. So here goes: If you have read or have an understanding of the works of Bernard Friot, please do tell me! All his work is in French and I haven't been able to find any translations. Really breaks my heart. Based on my understanding of the little I could find about le salaire à vie, I can tell that Friot's work is incredibly important. I love that a different world is being imagined. Because if we can imagine it, we can build it too.
(Also, hey ever expanding pointless Universe, this is your chance to surprise me)

Now, if you have never heard of Bernard Friot, no worries. Tell me about your worldview. Teach me anything. I would love that!

With that said, what shall I teach you? How about you tell me, and we can take it from there.

Whatever it may be, I hope you and I will share a cartload of laughter

What I Can Share with Hosts

My monumental gratitude for sharing your home, time and a sliver of your life with me.

I will foist adoration upon you. You have little choice in the matter.

Conversation! I hope we can both peek thought the windows of each other's lives.

Laughter. Lots of it, I hope.

And most importantly, love that is frosted heavily with honesty--Following a bear hug, I will tell you exactly how long it has been since I last bathed.

Countries I’ve Lived In


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