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  • 1 reference
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese; learning French, German, Spanish
  • 31, Female
  • Member since 2018
  • No occupation listed
  • No education listed
  • From State of Mato Grosso, Brazil
  • Profile 90% complete

About Me

Hi there! My name is Alessandra, but you can call me “Al” or “Alex” if it is easier for you. I’m a Brazilian geologist who had the pleasure to travel all around this beautiful country of mine during the 5 years I spent in university and now I think is time for me to go and see the rest of the world. I was in Europe for the 1st time in 2018 and traveled solo for almost one month, 6 countries, at least 10 different cities and it was the best experience of my life. I have always been crazy about geology, art, history, architecture, culture, music, food, drinks, dogs and seeing the moon in a new place and that’s what I used to tell people when they asked me why I travel so much, but after the experience of traveling solo I add a new item to my list: I love to meet people on the road. I love to talk about everything or anything while sharing a hot chocolate, a glass of wine or a bottle of beer with someone who have lived and seen the world from a different perspective than me.
Unfortunately I’m not able to host guests at my house, because I don’t live alone and the person who lives with me is not as open minded and curious about “strangers” as I am, but I would love for us to meet up and if I’m not able to show you the city for some reason (usually work) it would still be a pleasure to make an itinerary based on what you like, give you tips and respond any questions you might have about the place I live in. This is a really hot city/state most of the year, yes. But it is beautiful and worth seeing too. I hope you enjoy your stay and please tell me if there’s anything I can do to help with that.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

To meet people and be able to have a “local” experience when visiting a new place and offer the same to the ones coming to my city.


My interests go from string theory to tv shows about teenagers drama. But I’m pretty much crazy about traveling (don’t tell?), stars, tattoos, rock music, Harry Potter, tv shows, the meaning of life and the universe around us and etc. I’m a very ease going person, just tell me what you like and I’m sure we can find some common ground.
P.s: I love dogs. All dogs.

  • dogs
  • photography
  • tattoos
  • traveling
  • music
  • astronomy
  • geology
  • physics
  • science
  • solo travel
  • tv shows
  • harry potter
  • europe
  • stars

Music, Movies, and Books

I love music. There’s nothing better than the feeling of going to a concert of your favorite band for the 1st time. I mostly hear classic rock, but there’s not one genre of music I cannot “stand”. I love to go to the theater, but I rarely watch movies at home alone because I fall asleep, haha. I’m all about tv shows tho. Well, about books... there’s 7 of them that changed my life forever. Of course I’m talking about the Harry Potter Series.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Adopt a dog who has been the love of my life for the past 10 years.

Teach, Learn, Share

I’m kinda addicted to knowledge so I’m interested in pretty much anything someone can teach me and/or share with me and I love to do the same.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I cannot cook to save my life, but I can teach you how to do the authentic, amazing and life changing “brigadeiro” (if we can find the ingredients, of course haha). Or we can always have a good conversation while sharing a drink (my treat). Oh, people say I take really good pictures too. :)

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, France, Germany, Netherlands, Paraguay, Portugal, Spain

Countries I’ve Lived In


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