Alessio Mida's Photo

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Accepting Guests

  • 100% response rate
  • Last login about 4 hours ago

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  • 100 references 78 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish; learning Calabrian (South Italian), Catalan, Valencian, German, Portuguese, Russian
  • 41, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • Professional Dreamer, Photographer and Filmmaker, Researc...
  • Master
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

V. E. R. Y___ I. M. P. O. R. T. A. N. T


A. Current Mission / About me / Philosophy
B. 10 or 8 (haha)Tips for newbies to follow out
C. Tips for female travelers and/or couples
D. Rules for my accepted guests
L. E. T. ' S___S. T. A. R. T

A. Current Mission / About me / Philosophy


Learn from yesterday, live today, dream for tomorrow...


Who am I? The more I live the less I got to know.
I'm always in the middle of something, trying to be comfortable in the uncomfortability, to have fun, to live in the beauty of the moment, being gentle with the next person, remember the birthdays of my friends, write them letters, sing my favourite songs and not be shy if I'm up to dance my own style.

I also know something else.
When I was a little boy I read "On the road" and I think I understood that a life without challenging yourself doesn't worth to be lived.

2024 will be a year in which I'll be really focused in music (both production and dancing) and wildlife activities (survival, bushcrafts etc.)


A stranger is just a friend who you haven't met yet.



After being on couchsurfing for a while, let's write a few words for those who just subscribe here and don't really know how it works and just want to find a couch to crash (which is fine btw :-P): lets' start

1 - Don't send messages if you need to write a couchrequest. If you need a couch, send me a couchrequest, otherwise I can't reply in a proper way ;-)
2 - Don't send short copy and paste messages, not so many couchsurfers like to be "anyone".
Be more personal, read about your host and you'll find what to write ;-)
3 - Mark Twain said "If we were meant to talk more than listen, we would have two mouths and one ear"
Basically you can apply the same rule before you write couchrequests: "Read more, write less". So quality not quantity will lead to have a nice feedback. If you don't believe me, just test it! :-D
4 - Fill your profile completely. The more you write on your profile, the more reliable you are (I know I just said the opposite on the point 3 but you know, exceptions, haha).
5 - Upload pictures which describe your life style and how is the world seen by your eyes. More than couple of pictures of you are also welcome.
6 - References - Friends - Verification - are all things that make you a reliable user. If you have none or few of them, you'll hardly get a host, so in that case you need to work on your profile sections and your couchrequest.
7 - Write things that make your host understand that you are already prepared about her/him. Making references about the profile you just read is always a good idea. Also, if you read something about my profile (for ex.), you can understand better which kind of host I am, and maybe formulate the best request (once I read in a guy profile that he was used to be naked at home and watching porn movies in front of his guests. If I didn't read it, I might have sent him a request).
8 - If you travel more than one person, copy the profile link of those who travel with you , if they don't have one, convince them to make one.

I wanted to write 10 tips, but 8 is also ok 😅


FEMALE TRAVELERS - When you’re surfing, consider staying with other women or with families, especially if you’re traveling solo.
Be clear about your boundaries and don’t be shy about stating them.
Educate yourself about the cultural and religious differences in the places you visit. Gender roles and expectations differ widely.
COUPLES. For my personal consideration, couples might send requests to other couples. I don't want to say that singles won't accept you, but I see easier to share things when conditions are similar, so it's just a tip you're free to follow up or not.


1 - Read carefully the section (on the cs menù) MY HOME
2 -

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I try to help people make their travels better, and I like to make my travels better, by other people...
It's an easy philosophy...:-)


I had a profile since the 2008. Then I made a new one in 2013. I'm now 15 years experienced.
I used to partecipate in CS weekly events in Florence, Rome, London, Paris, Lisbon, Valencia, Amsterdam, Milan and Frankfurt.
Known more than hundreds people in CS.


There's a specific section for books, music and movies.
Please say something different here, something different to show your personality. Don't be scared to be detailed. Somebody won't understand your sense of humour or your spirit, but some will love it.

I like many things, sports (any sport with a ball, but also athletics, swimming, diving, acroyoga, surfing) music, travelling, cooking, going to the movies, but who doesn't like all this stuff?

You should know that I also like polyglots, I like geographic maps (I would spend hours looking at them), furnitures, perfumes, plants, vegan cooking, history, political arguments (not fights though, haha), old photos, stories of old times, DIY projects for the house, designing futures for other people (this seems creepy but I'm good at advising in careers), and so on, I guess there are tons of stuff I didn't mention, ah yeah of course I love board games, write letters, I like to watch stupid videos of boys being boys, I Iike to feel happy and noticing it, I like to make plans with friends, I like when I like a woman very much that I can still feel like a teenager, I love when I took a present and they are just opening it, I love to dream every night.

Ok now basta 😂😂😂

  • environment
  • cooking
  • fitness
  • yoga
  • gardening
  • politics
  • music
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • travelling
  • cinema
  • rock
  • museums
  • tantra
  • surf
  • forró
  • social issues
  • slowtravels

Music, Movies, and Books

Jean Vigo, Sergio Leone, Bong Joon-ho, Krzysztof Kievslowski, Francois Truffaut, Bernardo Bertolucci, Michel Gondry, Takeshi Kitano, Jean-Luc Godard, Aki Kaurismaki, Stanley Kubrick, Kim Ki-duk, Micheal Mann, Michelangelo Antonioni, Witold Rybczynski, Park Chan-wook, Mario Monicelli, Wong Kar-Wai, Dino Risi, Roberto Rossellini, Jean Renoir, Man Ray, Alain Resnais, Woody Allen, David Lynch, Darren Aronofsky, Robert Bresson, Frères Dardenne, Abbas Kiarostami,

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Led Zeppelin, Fabrizio De Andre, Pink Floyd, Mike Oldifield, Francesco Guccini, Ludwig Van Beethoven, Supertramp, The cult, Deep Purple, Genesis, Marillion, Johann Sebastian Bach, Renato Zero, Lucio Battisti, Queen, Beatles, Rolling Stones, The cure, Toto, The Pogues, Modena City ramblers, Afterhours, Amy Winehouse, Chick Corea.

Jack Kerouac, George Simmel, Fedor Dostoevsky, Stefano Benni, William Shakspeare, Daniel Pennac, Carlo Goldoni, Eschilo, Sofocle, Euripide, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Honore de Balzac, Milan Kundera, Percival Everett, Aristotele, Oscar Wilde, Mordecai Richler, Javier Cercas, Walter Benjamin, Andrea De Carlo.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I decided to change everything I built for 27 years. I left my city, my job, my car, my girlfriend, my flat, my country, and I moved abroad. I decided then to undertake again my studies at University in Film Studies, something that everybody told me won't give me chances to work after degree. This is maybe the craziest thing I ever done.

I got money for dancing very bad, drunk, in a square in Pamplona, after staying around the city for 12h alone, with no documents, no mobile, no t-shirt, no money, lost from my friends, when I couldn't speak any spanish nor english in my first travel abroad, which is good for getting started (and a Philipino guy wanted to make me a blowjob for 20 euros...what? Do I worth so little money??I'm not kidding, it's a true story)
I learnt how to squat a flat in London, I taught people how to squat a flat in London, I formed a group for squatting a flat in London, but I've been scared about squatting a flat in London myself. Then I squatted a flat in London, already kept by other people (I promise one day I will squat myself)
I get arrested in Brussels, for taking picture of Belgian Police during a real capture
I slept under the stars, but on the stairs of the main church of Carcassonne in one of the beautiful nights of August 2011
I got money for singing “Alleluya” from the only person who was walking in the city centre of Dublin at 3 am during my trip in 2008
I deeply loved women and never got bored to love people.
I travelled all around Europe with a non electrical scooter for 6000 km.
I travelled with my bicycle to many countries for more than 4000 km.
I experienced living in the forest with no tools nor tent or sleeping bags.
I crashed and loved to crash parties
I remained awake for a maximum of 75 hours without sleeping
I lost 12 wallets, 15 mobiles, 5 set of keys, 9 times my driving license. All that before 2007. I still lose random money because I don’t wear wallets anymore. Update: I Lost two credit cards during a trip in between 4 days, in two different moments. How can I can do that???? :-(
I found 6 mobiles, 1 wallet and once 5 pounds in Glasgow.
I read 100 books from which I remember ehm, not even the title.
I found an independent western community lost in the dominican forest, which lives with solar energy and have no sewer system during 2018 christmas holydays.
I played Seek and wine, do you know this?
I took autoflash pictures with strangers on the metro of Warsaw during my kickscooter trip in summer 2014
I learnt how to prepare Czech alcol Slivovice.
I sang with the loudest voice the Italian song "Ahi Maria", in the streets of Manchester
I arrived at the train station of Rome 6 hours before my flight in Pisa, then I arrived at the WRONG station of Florence 1 hour 30 minutes before my flight, then I arrived at the RIGHT station of Florence 1 hour and 15 minutes before my flight, then I arrived at the train station of Pisa, 9 minutes before my flight. I arrived at the airport 3 minutes before my flight. I got the flight. :-D
I dreamed and remembered what I dreamed since I can remember, my whole life, every night or almost all of them.
I trusted in humans before Couchsurfing existed.
I trust people even more since I’m on Couchsurfing.

Teach, Learn, Share

You can teach me original recepes of your country.
You can teach me how to start to use a DJ Software.
You can teach me how to do some Yoga.
You can teach me some dances (I love to dance).
You can teach me some life's tricks.
You can teach me how to sew a pullover.
You can teach me how to solve a Rubik's cube.
You can teach some math basic systems.
You can teach me how to play your instrument.
You can teach me how to design a house no budget.
You can teach me how to be patient with rude people.
You can teach me how to draw.
You can teach me how to walk on high heels.
You can teach me the song Happy birthday in your language.
You can teach me some Russian, Arabic, Chinese, Hindi, or the language of the monkeys.
I can teach you the language of the monkeys.
I can teach you How to forget where you store Your documents or credit cards,
and How to lose them definitely, when you Travel alone and abroad. It s not a joke,
Im a master in this, I could open a University and give classes about that.;)
I can teach you how to make professional massages.
I can teach you how to live in London almost for free.
I can teach you how to travel for free for large trips.
I can teach you how to make yogurt, tiramisù, pesto, sugo alla bolognese, purée, pizza, bread, and the cooking point of pasta "al dente".
I can teach you how to take a good photo or to make a good video.
I can teach how to fix a furniture or an electric device in your home.
I can teach you how to treat children.
I can teach you how to make hand made stuff with wood, plastic bottles, bottle caps, etc.
I can teach you how to make diy dish and laundry soap .
I can teach you how to hitch hike :-)
I can teach you how to find the cheapest flights with Ryanair.
I can teach you how to build a hut in the forest.
I can teach you how to improvise a party.
I can teach you to crash parties.
I can teach you how to kiss someone with the eyes.

What I Can Share with Hosts

For travellers: Some guide tours around the city or drinks/aperitivo or night out.

For guests: at the least a ground and a roof. then I always have some foods in my fridge (almost always)

For hosts: My skills (haha, cocky) in kitchen and my willing to cook something for thank my host, some classes of the languages i speak fluently, some photography classes are also available, haha.

For everybody: my attitude, my smile, my stories, my ears for your stories, my help in any kind of situation

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Andorra, Austria, Belarus, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominica, England, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Kosovo, Latvia, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Malta, Moldova, Monaco, Montenegro, Morocco, Netherlands, Norway, Palestine, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Saint Lucia, San Marino, Scotland, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

France, Germany, Italy, Portugal, Spain, United Kingdom

Old School Badges

  • 2 Vouches

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