Фотографии пользователя Alex Escobar

Верификация не пройдена

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  • Телефон подтвержден
  • Личность не подтверждена

Возможно, принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: 4 месяца назад

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  • 7 отзывов 3 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Языки не указаны
  • 34, Мужской
  • Пользователь с 2019
  • Род занятий не указан
  • Образование не указано
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 95%

Обо мне

Hi couchsurfing community I'm a Latin American English man.
I've been teaching English and Spanish as hobby , I've got a passion for music due to being a dancer at school... Despite the fact I speak Spanish , English has been the language I've taught the most ...

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

Firstly as gratuity to people who allowed me to stay with them and treated me as part of their family so I don't see why I wouldn't do the same for others , mainly when looking to improve other people English skills or just for the ones who love traveling which are 2 of my passions...


meeting people is my thing from everywhere , I'm curious about other people mentality and way of thinking , I reckon that making friends is the key of happiness and of course to have more opportunities in life, you don't know if the next person you meet will give you the one million pounds idea you were looking for or can break any stereotype you might possibly have ... I've been traveling since I was a kid and I'm new in this field , I'm more than welcome to meet anyone anywhere so I hope to meet you soon :) ...

Музыка, кино и книги

Rich dad and poor dad

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

I teach English mostly , however any topic is welcome ... I can even teach dance if requested , genuinely all it's just to go with the flow :)...

Чем я могу поделиться с хостами

Firstly a good complementary meal to know more each other (not gender preference ) , I can offer London knowledge as how to manage yourself whilst traveling through tube stations, buses , zones , jobs , places where to go , pretty much I can give you a training how to move by yourself without asking around and make you feel as confident as a Londoner ;) ... I open offer trips across london and really important information for the ones who are planing to stay for quite long time in UK...

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