Fotos von Alexander Van de Sande

Nicht verifiziertes Profil

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Nimmt keine Gäste auf

  • Letzte Anmeldung vor etwa 4 Jahre

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  • 6 Referenzen 5 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend Dutch, English, French; lernt zurzeit German, Spanish
  • 47, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2012
  • Public relations
  • University
  • Aus Antwerp, Flanders, Belgium
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich


Looking for blue pineapples


Sometimes I'm up for a a good laugh, sometimes for a crazy party, sometimes for a chilled out night and a meaningful conversation, always for a drink :)


“Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.”

“Before you put on a frown, make absolutely sure there are no smiles available.”

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


Just started hosting quite recently. Also went to a couple of cs events meanwhile.


Sports (running, squash, paying for the gym)
Music (piano)
Going out
And perhaps also a bit of travelling ;)

  • theater
  • running
  • partying
  • drinking
  • traveling
  • music
  • piano
  • backpacking
  • sailing
  • sports
  • racquetball
  • squash

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I've been travelling quite a lot, almost all of it backpacking all over the world.

visited 45 states (20.5%)Create your own visited map of The World or Like this? try: Landgeist

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Argentina, Austria, Belize, Bolivia, Botswana, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Cuba, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Ghana, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Malaysia, Mexico, Morocco, Namibia, Netherlands, Peru, Philippines, Romania, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Venezuela

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe


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