Fotos de Alexander Brovedani

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  • Índice de respuesta del 43%
  • Última conexión hace 2 días

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  • 32 recomendaciones 19 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English; está aprendiendo German, Italian
  • 42, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2014
  • Server
  • University
  • De Toronto, Ontario, Canada
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

Here we go,

Considering this is the first thing you read, here goes.. I live near the Junction and actually steps away from the Subway, streetcars, and two trains coming from the airport. You're more than welcome to explore the area. I can show you around or point you were to go. I'm that easy going. I can show you the many sites that is the REAL Toronto. TIFF, Pride and Halloween are real treats here!

I currently have a spare room for a person. It’s cosy and totally private. I do live in a house that gets absolutely quiet at night but a convo or hangout isn’t out of the ordinary.

I just ask that you be sociable and maybe grab a drink or food with me. We all can get along

I’m a rickshaw rider, beer server at the Blue Jays games and stand up comedy. I hope to podcast soon enough.

My Italian descent made sure that I never forgot cultures and appreciation for other people's.

Siam pronte alle morte, l'Italia chiamo, si!

I’m here to be your friend, help you save on your lodgings for your vacation or interviews etc. I also don’t smoke but if you do, you can outside.

We have a house cat named Princess Bo Diddley. She is lovely, cuddly, and quite talkative.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

To explore different places while meeting new friends and about different cultures and food of course. A spiffy hotel might be swank, and a hostel with a bar and hearing other people have sex might be awesome, but to be accepted into someone's home is of something else.

As well as I offer my spare room as well. I currently live in a house and its right beside the trains and subway. Perfect for TIFF (Toronto international film festival).


Comedy, Batman, foreign languages, soccer/football, films, working out, loving life!

  • baseball
  • soccer
  • batman
  • italian language

Música, películas y libros

80s and 90s Rock and rap mostly with the occasional house.

80s or 90 movies with some movies today. We lack heart in today's cinema.

Anything true crime or auto biography like.

Algo increíble que he hecho

Learned 6 national anthems.

Enseña, aprende, comparte

How to write a joke for stand up, anthems and how to make a cheap protein shake is a few things I can offer.

I want to learn how to cook more meals for sure.

I can share plenty of travel stories.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

Want Italian food, maple syrup or whiskey? I'm your guy.

Also I'm great to work out with. I gained 20 lbs and lost it in a month.

A house cat named Princess Bo Diddley!

Países que he visitado

Colombia, England, United States, Venezuela

Países en los que he vivido

Canada, United States

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