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Зарегистрируйтесь на Couchsurfing, чтобы увидеть полный профиль пользователя Alexandra.
Обо мне
Im 22 y.o. girl from Belarus. Right now im living in New Jersey and exploring east coast.
Im trying to find myself and my life goal so I just run out of home to explore the world. I just graduated of law school and feel a little bit lost :)
I used to live in Russia and United Kingdom. Now im living in the USA, but leaving to Europe in November to explore the Old World.
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
I just love the idea of couchsurfing - for me its hard to meet people offline, cuz Im extremely shy sometimes. I want to spread the word, stay with people, host when I can!
Its so great to know things ab cities from locals, right? :)
I love exploring new places, foodhunting and taking pictures ^_^
Also I love reading manga, watching TV-shows (if you love How I Met Your Mother so much so do I we should definitely become friends!) and learning new things.
I have a huge interest on modern art and ancient history - Im a big museum lover! Can spend there literally hours.
- literature
- fashion
- modern art
- law
- manga
- asian food
- mobile photography
Музыка, кино и книги
Usually I enjoy calm and relaxing music - like Indie or Indie Rock.
Actually~~~ Im listening to whatever I like :D My Shazam is always on and i have craziest playlist ever. Sad music is my everything.
Im cinema addict. I can watch everything but horrors. If you need someone to go to the cinema together - here I am! I love cartoons, superhero movies, historical movies, dramas, comedies - everything! Art movies also, by the way.
I read really a lot - and literally everywhere. If you cant find a next book to read - i would love to help you!
My favorite genre is surrealism ("In Watermelon Sugar", "Kangaroo Notebook", "Foam of the Days", "Alice in Wonderland", "The Vegetarian"). I enjoy such crazy books with no sense at first look.
Also i love "Lolita", "Gone with the Wind", "Harry Potter", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy" and other great books. Its so hard to pick up just one!
Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)
Survived all the rides at Six Flags!
Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией
I can teach you how to make good coffee - I used to work at coffee place for few month :)
Also if you want to learn some Russian - im a native speaker
And I can twitter like a bird :) I can try to teach you but thats a long way :D
Чем я могу поделиться с хостами
My friendship, my good vide and all my funny stories! I would love to meet you in Belarus one day and show you this beautiful country!
Где я побывал(-а)
Belarus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Russian Federation, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom, United States
Где я жил(-а)
Russian Federation, United Kingdom, United States