Ana Quintela's Photo

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  • 18 references 14 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Spanish; learning German
  • 34, Female
  • Member since 2017
  • No occupation listed
  • Mestrado em Direito Criminal
  • From Porto, Porto District, Portugal
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I m a simple girl, open minded, funny and extrovert that is very gratefull to have so many good people around , always searching for peace, harmony and good vibes!
I love the LIFE by it self and I really believe that the people that we know in life, you are"kind of destiny" to know for good or worse!
Trying to make a literal translation whithout loosing the meaning, ( from my language in portuguese to english), would be something like this.. "The people that enter in our lifes when they leave there is a moment in what i believe that was an exchange..."The piece of us that they take whit them and the piece of them, that they leave whit us!"
The humanity make me feel so disapointed but I wanna believe in make a better world, after all we are the product of the mix between education and enviroment! Piaget say oit and explained very well and better than I. "I am what I am because we are what we are («UBUNDU»)"
I´m a very easy going person, polite and thoughful. I am very responsable, reliable and I respect the others, so I also wanna be respected,
I don´t support PREJUDICES!!
I LOVE TO TRAVEL!! I always bring a fridge magnet about the country/capital/cities that I visit and always ask to my friends to bring me that and postcards ( My2 big and only collections ;) ) .
On the fridge In one part I have the ones I already visited and in the other part of the fridge the ones they bring to me and that I would love to go visit!
I already have done voluntering work ( of different kinds ) but I had being recently think to go to another country to do more voluntering work and of course in a more intense and "heavy" way... (Just need to know more how it really "works", read and even try to have some feedbacks about that of persons that have done it).
I think that if you can help...why not?!And i say more, everyone should do it! Sometimes it makes you the same or more "good" that the one that you are giving to the people you are helping!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I LOVE TRAVEL and to be able to do that is always a dream! When I first heard about CS, was tru a friend, back in 2010.
I was very motivated by my friends and i thought I have to start to know the WORLD!
So after a while saving, I was Backpacking( alone) tru EUROPE!!
So I started in Cs in July of 2010 and I had the oportunity to visit some countries and cities as a guest in CS!!
I think that in that time, my friends begin and after, me, even, to do backpacking and CS, as a way to save money that allowed to see other citie besides that only one, for instant!
Or instead of know three countries, in the end be able to visit 4!
So I was, whitout knowing nothing about this traveling and I star to see that we could really have good tips, stories and the chance of meet people really amazing that I wouldn t be able to meet in other situation! Although all experiences were good, one wasn't and show me that we could easy be arressed or just be lefted in a airport with a text ( SMS) saying that after all the host wouldn´t host you, and you would have to sleep in the airport! Although the bad experiences, the goods were more and I was realizing a dream!!
Then in 2017 I create a new page as host and try to be as good or more than a good, an excellent host! I wanna to retribute the help and kindness that others had to me and was a moment that I was feeling that the CS Community had changed and could be a great way of "travelling true the eyes of the guest".
It also was what I needed to get out more, whit other people and of different countries!
Now on the other side, as a HOST and not a GUEST I also had one or other situations that were really bad but I had huge memorable times with amazing persons and had the privilege of making a lot of friends and to know that a lot of them had incredible experiences/ vacations here in my home!!
The exchange that happens is what make me see CS as a way of making part of a bigger thing...really a Community!


Swimming, Ride, Photography, Read, Music, Art, History, YouTube...

  • photography
  • dancing
  • nightlife
  • reading
  • music
  • travel
  • beach
  • sport
  • film
  • riding horses
  • swiming
  • youtuber
  • riding bike
  • novelas

Music, Movies, and Books

PT - Rui Veloso, Paulo Gonzo, GNR, XUTOS E PONTAPÉS, THE GIFT, Carlao, THE WEASEL, BOSS AC...
USA- From Elza Fitzgerald to Adelle to David Guetta
BR- Anitta, Ivete Sangalo, Skank;
My musical tastes are very eclectic!!!

I played pianno but not anymore unfortunately.
Like other instruments and again ...eclectic tastes!

Pretty Woman
Pearl Harbor
The Notebook

Os Maias, O Principezinho, Orgulho e Preconceito
Fernando Pessoa
Eça de Queiroz
Miguel Torga
Sophia de Mello Breyner Andersen
Br : Vinicius de Moraes, Machado de Assis, Thalita Rebouças

P.S_ I would love to have the will power to read the Bible, The Coran and the Tora!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

2010- I would say my backpacking and cs trip
2013- To had lived in Angola ( for staitgh there six strait...OMG)

*** Idol/ Inspiration Model/ Super Star and My Rock- My Mother!!!!
To born as daughter of my Mother!! A great WOMAN, that give me a HOME, that makes me who I Am!! ( The negative aspects are not there fault, believe me... She tryed!) :) My infinite love for you my star!!

Teach, Learn, Share

I m willing to give you great tips and even better, when possible go whit you, if you want of course, to show you my CITY ;) by day or by night.
I wanna share my culture and all my knowledges, my stories , my life and also want to learn whit you everything that you will be able to tell me or to teach me! I M IN CS FOR THIS TRADE OF ENERGY AND KNOWLEDGES exactly :) so... fell very welcome in my house!!
Welcome to my house, to my city and to Portugal !! In my house everyone that comes whit good feelings, is very welcome.

BUT.... HEY YOU, YES YOU THAT THINK THAT CS IS AN HOSTEL OR wanna have a " CS Experience" This is NOT THE PLACE FOR YOU!! FOR LAST, IF YOU HAVE MONEY GO TO A B&B AND LET THIS TO SOMEONE THAT WITHOUT THIS OPPORTUNITY WILL NOT BE ABLE TO TRAVEL!! WHIT ME, JUST BE HONEST.. IF I DON THAVE NO ONE IN THOSE DAYS I FON T MIND TO GIVE YOU THE CS EXP BUT BETWEEN YOU AND OTHER... FON T BE SELFISH!! OTHER THING DON T CHOOSE MY PROFILE JUST BECAUSE I HAVE A ROOM, IT CAN NOT BE AVAILABLE! DON T CHOOSE ME IF YOU WANT TO BE 5MIN OF THE CITY CENTER AND CONFUSION!! AND IF YOU LIKE TO BE THE ONLY GUEST IN THE HOUSE LET ME KNOW, AS O IF YOU ARE NOT I CAN REJECT YOUR REQUEST! ( P. S- JUST TO BE CLEAR... When after say YES to a request, the situation of had another request to the same or part of the same DAYS PRESENT IT SELF TO ME, I ALWAYS speak whit both sides to see if THEY Don t MIND... In case of the first people to whom I say yes tell me that she/ her Don t feel comfortable, then I Don t obligate... I tell to the second request that unfortunately I can't receive they!)

What I Can Share with Hosts

My travel experiences and tips.
My city and the best spots ( If I m not working)
Stories as a guest and host in CS
Speak about my life story and trade experiences!
Eventual interest in comun like: arts, music, films, photography, reading, YouTubers...

Countries I’ve Visited

Angola, Brazil, France, Italy, Portugal, Spain, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Angola, Brazil

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