Anabella Panessi的照片


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  • 9 评语 7 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, Portuguese, Spanish; 正在学习 English, Portuguese, Spanish
  • 34, 女
  • 成为会员的时间:2015
  • I am Ski Instructor - Instructora de Esquí - Viajera - M...
  • Licenciada en Comunicación Social at the Nacional Univers...
  • 来自Villa La Angostura, Neuquen, Argentina
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


Hola ! Hi! Ciao! Oi!
What can I say...
I’m made in the mountains... called Patagonia Argentina and I love them so much.
I started to do CouchSurfing recently and planing to keep doing it because I think is a great opportunity to get in the culture through locals.
Even further that every situation give you something to learn I appreaciate the esencial of the social communication in situ.

I’m a soul traveler!

I live with passion. love the nature, the sun, the ocean, the sports that make us connect with the outside, the adventure, the people and the actions that make us better persons. I believe in karma.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

The magic world is for all of us.

Por compartir lo que tenemos más allá de las fronteras. La magia del mundo es de todos.


Eduardo Galeano. We are what we think we are and do with what others have made with us. My favorite writer.

Every moment has their own music.

Todo momento tiene su música. En general escucho Eric Clapton, Jorge Drexler, música para meditar, para bailar. Rock Argentino entre otros.


Jump in the ocean at night with my mum, to see the plancton fluoresce under the water.

Saltar con mi madre de noche al mar thailandés desde un barco anclado en una bahía para ver el plancton fluorescente debajo del agua.


Sharing is caring.


Peace, conversations! Jokes! A cold bear, a good refresh.
My home in exchange. Food that I’m learning to cook in my trips.

Paz, alegría y conversaciones.
Tarta casera, una cerveza fría. Una buena pasta con verduras. Milanesas ! y sufflé de papa y bacon!
Recetas que voy aprendiendo en el camino.


Argentina, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, France, Italy, Mexico, New Zealand, Peru, Portugal, South Korea, Spain, Thailand, United States, Viet Nam


Argentina, New Zealand, South Korea, Spain, United States

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