Le foto di Gabriela Blanco

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Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Gabriela.

Informazioni generali

  • 4 referenze 1 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente Spanish; lingua che sta imparando English
  • 32, Donna
  • Membro dal 2016
  • Graphic Designer / Diseñadora Gráfica
  • University/ Universitaria
  • Di Mendoza, Mendoza, Argentina
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono

I consider me a energetic person, i like to be doing something all the time. I love sports, I practice tenis, sometimes i go to run and ever when i can go in bicycle to the places where i have to go, it is very relaxing.

I am studying fourth year to graphic design in the UNCuyo university. I am photographer and nowadays i work on taking photos in a web page.

I thing that I am a creative person. I am interested about art, music, and all the things in which we have to use our imagination. I like people who have new ideas, are entrepreneurs and have projects. I also love the nature, be in contact with it and enjoy it! I try to do small thing to be happy like listen music while i am cooking .

Me considero una persona enérgica, me gusta estar haciendo cosas todo el tiempo. Amo los deportes, juego al tenis, a veces salgo a trotar y cuando puedo me traslado en bicicleta a los lugares que tengo que ir, eso es muy relajante.

Estoy cursando 4to año de Diseño Gráfico en la Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, soy fotógrafa y trabajo en una página web.

Creo que soy una persona creativa. Me interesa el arte, la música y todas las actividades en las cuales tengamos que usar nuestra imaginación. Me gusta la gente que tiene nuevas ideas, que sean emprendedores y tengan projectos. También me encanta la naturaleza, estar en contacto con ella! Trato de hacer pequeñas cosas para ser feliz, como escuchar música mientras cocino.

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing

I believe that traveling is a lifestyle, I have experienced and there is no better feeling than finding oneself in a faraway place. The world is very large and there is much to learn. I would like to contribute to make your trip a unique moment.

Considero que viajar es un estilo de vida,Yo lo he experimentado y no hay mejor sensacion que encontrarse con uno mismo en un lugar lejano. El mundo es muy grande y hay mucho por conocer. Me gustaria contribuir para hacer de tu viaje un momento unico.



Musica, film e libri

I like listen music every time, depending on the moment and place is the genre that I hear. I like meeting new sounds , instruments and ways of making music.Some of my favorite musical genres are: Reggae, Electronic, Rock, Tango, Funk, Hip Hop.

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto


Insegna, impara, condividi

I like listening to people and learning from them , I think we all have things to learn and teach.

Cosa posso offrire ai padroni di casa

I can share my passion for nature and photography, as well as a good mate or Argentine wine.

Paesi che ho visitato

Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Argentina, Colombia

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