Photos de Anderson Lima

Profil vérifié

  • Membre vérifié par paiement
  • Numéro de téléphone vérifié
  • Pièce d'identité non vérifiée

Accepte des invités

  • Taux de réponse de 100 %
  • Dernière connexion il y a environ 6 heures

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  • 35 avis 31 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  English, French, Portuguese; apprend  Spanish
  • 31, Homme
  • Membre depuis 2014
  • Game Development
  • Aucun niveau d'étude indiqué
  • de Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

💡 New to CS? No worries, we all need to start somewhere! Just make sure to read my full profile (including the "My Home" section) and write a reasonable request. If you have no references, it would be nice to send a social media link so I can at least validate you're a real person.

📧 My social media profiles:

🛌🏻 If you're looking for a free bad and breakfast probably CS is not the right place for it, sorry to disappoint.

👉🏻 I answer all my requests. I try to do it within 24h, but be aware that as life happens, it might take a little longer.

📍 I have a suggested route for a day visit to the Old Québec City. Hope you enjoy it:

⚠️ I work from home on Fridays and due to the nature of my job, you are not allowed to be in the appartment from 8h30 to 16h30 - on Fridays only.


Build great friendships around all over the world! - It's working so far!


I love playing video and board games, meeting new people and sharing experiences.
I live with Cléo, my cat, and my boyfriend is usually around too.
I've lived in both USA coasts, Portugal and two cities in Brazil, where I was born. I work with video games, and that's why I moved to Québec, where I'm currently based at.


1. You will be able to walk to almost all touristic attractions from my place 😎
2. My boyfriend is a Chef, if you behave well, he feeds you! 😂
3. I have a lovely cat, Cléo. She's adorable! 🐈‍⬛
4. If you ever feel bored (which I doubt), I can show you some awesome board games. ♟️
5. I try to keep my house clean. 😆
6. I can take you to the best poutine place in Québec. 🍟
7. If you like restaurantes and bars, I live on a walkable distance from Av. Cartier and Rue St. Joseph, where you find great options of bars and restaurants. 🍝
8. Although I don't go out too much, I'm a great company to hangout on a bar or go out to dance. 🍻
9. If visiting during summer or spring, we can enjoy a good barbecue on my balcony. 🍖
10. If you come during winter, I can grant you a cozy place to stay. ☃️

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

The best thing we can share is our experiences. That is a perfect opportunity for us to meet other people and cultures.

Centres d'intérêt

  • pets
  • movies
  • video games
  • board games
  • traveling
  • music
  • beaches

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

Skydiving (Sao Paulo, SP - Brazil);
Hang Gliding (Rio de Janeiro, RJ - Brazil);
Saw the Northern Lights ❤️ (Québec, QC - Canada)

Pays que j'ai visités

Brazil, Canada, Colombia, England, Portugal, United States

Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu

Brazil, Canada, Portugal, United States

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