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deploy my retirement before 2020(better 2018)
Who am I:
- http://pedretti.spaces.live.com-
Shy and extroverted, try not starting tangles and in same time no alowing worse tangles came up by my silence...
- http://www.fotolog.net/pedretti-
- http://www.facebook.com/andre.pedretti/
Evident on me:
Methodical and meticulous, summarizin: Virgo... And more demanding day after day!
Five things i do not live without:
1) reasons: everything need a reason, in any subject.
2) companhy: i'm so quiety, sometimes shy, but it's one of the human's essencial needs
3) power(electricity): it´s impressing how we depend on this such simple thing
4) food: as more as i eat, the more i release that this one is the hardest sin to trade off... it's not true that i eat a lot, it's just folk!
5) water: a shower, a swimming pool, a water fall
In my bedroom you should find:
A closet and a bed, some clothes trying to climb both those first ones... some books and all my stuff, I´m sharring home with 8 friend(Yes, eight!), so everything is on my bedroom!
Sons: not yet
Ethnic group: caucassian (anco)
Religion: christian, spiritualist, but very open minded. Religion is something that in any of its ways, is for goodness, if your religion is focused in it too, i´d like to talk about the details related to it too
Politc inclination: depends
Humor: smart/clever, friendly, mysterious
Style: alternativo, casual, minimalista
Smoking: not (sometimes narguilé or shisha with friends)
Drinking: socially, and not so much, i´m weak for alcohol. But i like juices and teas a lot :D
Pets: i like them, used to have an belgian sheperd(hi has gone) but now i can´t.... in future i´d move to an houve and have one again
********** mais duas pegas e termino ************
com os relacionamentos anteriores aprendi: Nem sempre é bom ser 100% racional.
As mulheres dizem que querem o que não demonstram procurar ao fazer suas escolhas...
Mulheres: simples como o desabrochar de uma flor...
ps.: ninguém consegue prever exatamente condições e momento, corretamente, para o desabrochar de uma flor...
我为什么加入 Couchsurfing
Passions: My life and my profession...
Sports: Swimming and bike riding. But skating, roller skating and other sports where nature contact is part of thw acting interests me a lot too... Basketball has done it's part nowadays!
Activities: Minha vida se resume a uma paixão já citada: Engenharia; quase tudo que faço está direta ou indiretamente ligado a isso...
cozinhas: Feijoada ou feijão da minha avó Wandelina e o camarão frito no azeite que eu faço...
Não sou um mestre cuca mas me arrisco a qualquer prato se tiver um receita do meu lado!
livros: "Operação Cavalo de Tróia" - J. J. Bènitez, "O Código Da Vinci" - Dan Brown e "O Iluminado" - Stephen King.
música: Soulfly: "Bleed", Sepultura: "Who must die" e Pantera: "The Great Southern Trend Kill". Mais recentemente tenho voltado ao início das coisas: Iron Maiden...
programas de tv: Só tenho visto "Jornal Nacional" mas tb me amarro em "The Simpsons".
cinema: Matrix(todos), "Uma Mente Brilhante", "Brilho Eterno numa Mente sem Lembranças" e "Senhor dos Anéis"(todos). Sempre acompanhado! =)
1) descrever a experiência na cachoeira*** caprichar
2) caminho de Santiago de Compostela 900km de bicicleta em 10 dias
Argentina, Belgium, Brazil, Chile, Dominican Republic, France, Germany, Paraguay, Poland, Portugal, Puerto Rico, Spain, Ukraine, United States
2 担保s -