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  • 1 reference 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Tagalog
  • 29, Female
  • Member since 2015
  • DV Crisis Support Advocate and DV Facilitator
  • BS in Psychology
  • From Cerritos, CA, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

If you need to urgently contact me:
Instagram: @andreadeniesea

"Life is an awfully big adventure." -- J.M. Barrie

About me? The best way to get to know someone is by actually being around them. Right? So, how about we go on a few adventures together and we can talk about all the things "about me" you'd like to know. I mean, if we're going to be spending time together might as well learn a few new things. Let's keep the mystery alive. I could fill this section up with lists of "this and that's" but nothing beats the authenticity of human interaction!

But yeah, here's the basics. I'm an Asian woman who grew up in California, USA and moved to the Philippines for study. Everything else you can find out on your own ;) (or you could read the rest of my profile, there's a bunch of stuff to read down there *shrugs* your choice).

A traveler who wants to explore the world and restore her faith in humanity.

My first ever CS experience (7.26.2018) was amazing. First ever real-ish solo travel (I've gone on solo trips before but I always met up with friends. This was the first time I was truly alone for a few days) and this kind lovely lady, artclasscrush, took me in and adopted me for 2 nights. What an angel. Bless her soul. We shared our stories of our travels and coincidence? She was planning on traveling to Manila the next week! We ended up linking up in Manila too and I got to give back the favor by showing her around. Isn't it great to make new friends through CS? <3

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

"Life is an adventure. Take me with you." - Andrea 2017



I finally experienced my first couch surfing experience and I believe my prior reasons still stand. But here's an update, I'm on couch surfing because it's a way to connect with people who have the same interests and the same passions. We're all here because we love to travel, meet new people, hear new stories, and make new friends. Yeah, we might differ in our "whys" but we pretty much all are here for those things. I'll say, it's honestly the most amazing thing when you're in a different country actually experiencing what it could be like to really live there. I mean, really live there. You're staying in a place that these people call home. I love that. I love being able to experience that while traveling because not everyone gets to experience such a thing.

For example, some people on here live in dorms. Imagine being able to experience what it's like to act like you're a student living in that dorm in that country. I, myself, never lived in a dorm before and that is just amazing. Not even just that, the stories of the travelers you meet, the tips, perspectives and experiences you'll be able to carry with you when leaving the country you visit, that, in itself, is priceless. CS gives you the opportunity to really hone new skills, gain new experiences; you are able to grow with each and every travel.

Not only did you go on a holiday or a vacation, you gained a little wisdom, a few new friends, and some of the best stories you'll keep to write in the books. CS is not just a place to stay when you're on a tight budget. No. It's the opportunity to be welcomed in a home of a fellow traveler. It's the opportunity to open your mind up to the world and the experiences it has to offer. It's so much more than a couch to crash on. It's a community built on free spirit.
I want to meet new people and I want to experience places organically and authentically from the people who actually live there or stay there. I want to seek out pure and positive energy while experiencing peace in a new place. Leaving a comfort zone maybe scary but I want to push my limits. I have seen what it is like to hate living your life and I don't want that anymore. I just want to live, breath, and see the world for what it truly is. (1.3.2018)


  • writing
  • performing arts
  • photography
  • music festivals
  • wine
  • wine tasting
  • partying
  • video games
  • board games
  • traveling
  • blogging
  • music
  • live music
  • surfing
  • soccer
  • communications
  • psychology
  • historic sites
  • travelling
  • cinema
  • nature
  • tv series
  • adventure
  • football
  • wakeboard
  • learning new things
  • rock
  • metal
  • costumes
  • learning
  • edm
  • stand up comedy
  • comedy
  • meeting new people
  • cinematography
  • computer games
  • games
  • caves
  • local history
  • improv comedy
  • cliff diving
  • nature walks
  • adventure sports
  • wall climbing
  • writing music
  • landscape photography
  • writing poetry
  • vape
  • writing letters
  • reading and writing

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Rock, Hiphop, Rap, R and B, EDM (almost everything, just not too much of classical, folk and country).
Favorite movie: Peter Pan

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

See the thing about "amazing things" is that what is perceived to be "amazing" is just plain subjective. Let's all face it, we've done some really amazing things in our lives and I frankly have trouble picking just one. I'm not a person to have favorites and I'm not a person to even like making decisions. We all have a choice, but it's truly the best adventure when you just let yourself be free and let the world bring you the most amazing experiences it has to offer.

But fine, let me talk about one of the amazing things I think I have done. I could tell you about my travels. I could blabber on about my adventures. I could talk about my accomplishments, but I think one thing that I can truly be proud of myself for is I have finally climbed out of the abyss and found the light within me that I banished inside. Not too long ago, I battled with depression and I still, to this day, battle with anxiety, but you know what's truly amazing? I finally have found the time in my life where I truly am able to love myself again. To embrace myself and all of my beauty. The big thunder storm with it's sea of clouds have left me, and nothing but the radiance of sunshine and color have filled my life making it anew. For once in my life I no longer doubt where I will end up or what is in store for me. I have finally embraced my self and told her to come out. I am no longer afraid of all the things worry and fear had kept me caged from. I have broken my shackles and chains. I have spread my wings, and I flew out of that zigzagged maze. I am the nomad who has no home but is not sad because of it. I am the nomad who finds home not in a place but in the hearts of people, in the words of lovely sayings and poetry, in the smell of the air of the outdoors, in the sunrise and the sunset, in the waves that crash and carry, on the mountains, in the blues and greens, in planes, in the cities with all of its people, and in the kindness of friendship. I no longer look at this body and wish it to look differently. My body is but a shell which holds my soul. Fear and worry may confuse and cloud me, but never will it control and keep me a slave. Life is not a chore. Living is not something anyone should hate. For we are only granted one life but we forever live in the hearts we touch while our own heart is still beating, in the minds of those who we share our beauty, and in the memories of the adventures we seek and create. Life is a journey and you're a lucky one if you find good companions along the way.

So, remind yourself that happiness is a state of mind and it is most pure when shared. Love is appreciated most when given but do not forget to love yourself. You are always busy helping others and being selfless, but don't be afraid to need help yourself. Try to see yourself through the eyes of those who love you when you struggle, because no matter what happens to you they will always hold your beauty close to heart and remind you of your fondest moments. Your body, your shell, it may wither, it may die, but your spirit will always remain free. Your smile will forever be captured in photographs. Your accomplishments will always be remembered by those who love you. And this body you live in will soon die, but your memory will forever live on in the hearts you touch, the minds you help, and the happiness you share.

One amazing thing I've done? I love myself so I can love others.

Teach, Learn, Share

Regrets are not something you carry with you. They are merely things you feel, learn from, and let go. Life is not meant to be full of regret; lessons, definitely, but never regrets. Give yourself the peace you deserve. Never forget but always have room for forgiveness.


There is always room for change, you just have to be open to it. The moment you close yourself off to the world is when you experience true loneliness. No man is an island, right?

Life is a journey and a sweet adventure, you'll meet so many faces and you might not remember their names, but you'll carry the things they'll teach you. There is always something you won't be good at and there will always be space for growth. Once you start to believe that you are "perfect" is when you admit to defeat. You would think that perfecting something is a good thing. Being a master of something is always great. Hard work is something to be proud of after all, but the thing about perfection is that there is no longer any room to grow, no more lessons to be taught, the end of the road. Don't look at yourself as someone who no longer has room to grow, who is at the end of the road, or is perfect. There is endless opportunity in this world!

Give yourself the courage to experience what you desire in the time you have to live your beautiful life.


Honestly I just want to learn from anybody who would love to talk to me. I miss having deep open conversations where there are no bias, no bounds, no wrong answers, just questions and maybe answers.

"Happiness is only real when shared." --Into the Wild by Christopher McCandless
"My destination is no longer a place, rather a new way of seeing." --Marcel Proust
"Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more, so that we may fear less." --Marie Curie

What I Can Share with Hosts

Travel tips
A helping hand


Anything that I have the ability to give, I am more than happy to try :)

Countries I’ve Visited

Canada, China, Hong Kong, Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Spain, Sweden, Taiwan, Thailand, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Philippines, United States

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