David Leon's Photo

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  • 50% response rate
  • Last login 29 days ago

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  • 7 references 6 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning French
  • 30, Male
  • Member since 2013
  • data manager, lawyer, economist
  • economy and lawer degree
  • From Colombia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hey there!

I'm David, a 29-year-old economist and lawyer with a passion for data analytics, photography, agriculture, eco-architecture, and social media. I've spent the past two years working in marketing and advertising, using data to drive business decisions and create effective campaigns.

When I'm not working, you can usually find me exploring my interests in eco-friendly projects and sustainable living. I'm particularly drawn to eco-architecture and have been following the latest developments in this field with great interest. I'm also a coffee aficionado, having grown up in Colombia and developed a deep appreciation for the art of coffee-making. I know all about the different preparation methods, filtering and roasting processes, and I'm always on the lookout for new blends to try.

Recently, my family and I have embarked on an exciting environmental recovery project. We're working to restore deforested land in a responsible way, using vermiculture, bird watching, planting for consumption, and the planting of native trees to promote biodiversity in the region. It's been a challenging and rewarding experience, and I'm proud to be part of a project that's making a positive impact on the environment.

Currently, I'm traveling around the UK and Europe, participating in volunteer projects and soaking up new experiences wherever I go. I'm always eager to learn more and to contribute my skills and knowledge to local initiatives.

I'm excited to connect with like-minded individuals and make new friends through Couchsurfing. Thanks for taking the time to read my profile!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

As someone with expertise in photography, vermiculture, and data analysis, I believe I can be a valuable member of the Couchsurfing community. For instance, I could offer hosts the chance to have a professional photo session of their homes or a photoshoot of their city, which could enhance their profile and attract more travelers. Additionally, I can share my knowledge of vermiculture and teach hosts how they can create a sustainable garden in their homes.

I also have skills in data analysis and can help Couchsurfing gather and analyze valuable information to improve the user experience. For example, I can help identify trends in travel patterns, user satisfaction, and feedback, which can help the platform improve its service and make it more personalized.

Lastly, as someone who loves to travel, I can contribute to the Couchsurfing community by sharing my own experiences and recommendations with other travelers. I can help hosts improve their hospitality and travelers find the best way to make the most of their trip.

In summary, I believe my combination of skills and passions can make a great contribution to the Couchsurfing community, and I'm excited to have the opportunity to do so.


In addition to my skills and experiences in photography, vermiculture, and data analysis, I have a variety of interests that I believe could make me a valuable member of the Couchsurfing community. One of my biggest passions is traveling and learning about different cultures. I love exploring new places, meeting locals, and trying local foods. Through Couchsurfing, I hope to connect with like-minded travelers and hosts who can share their own experiences and insights with me.

Another interest of mine is sustainable living. As mentioned, I have experience with vermiculture and creating sustainable gardens, but I also enjoy learning about other ways to reduce my environmental footprint. I'm interested in learning from hosts who practice eco-friendly lifestyles and finding ways to incorporate those practices into my own life.

Finally, I enjoy staying active and trying new things. Whether it's hiking, yoga, or trying a new sport, I love pushing myself outside of my comfort zone and experiencing new things. I hope to connect with hosts and travelers who share this passion and can show me some of the best outdoor activities in their area.

Overall, I believe my interests align well with the Couchsurfing community, and I'm excited to connect with new people and learn from their experiences.

  • culture
  • cooking
  • movies
  • reading
  • traveling
  • photo
  • nature
  • photographie
  • ecoturism

What I Can Share with Hosts

I'm thrilled to have the opportunity to share my passions and skills with my Couchsurfing hosts! One thing that brings me a lot of joy is photography. Capturing beautiful moments and turning them into lasting memories is something that I find incredibly rewarding. I'd be happy to take some professional photos of my hosts or offer a workshop on basic photography skills.

Another thing that's close to my heart is coffee. Growing up in Colombia, coffee has been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. I know all about the different preparation methods, filtering and roasting processes, and I'd be happy to teach my hosts how to make the perfect cup of coffee.

I'm also really passionate about sustainable living and eco-friendly projects. My family and I have been working on an environmental recovery project, where we're using vermiculture, bird watching, and native tree planting to restore deforested land. I'd be thrilled to share my knowledge and help my hosts create their own eco-friendly garden.

As someone with experience in data analytics, I could help my hosts gather and analyze valuable information about their business or personal projects. And since I'm a native Spanish speaker, I could offer my hosts a crash course in Spanish language and culture, sharing insights into the history, traditions, and cuisine of my country.

Overall, I'm excited to connect with new people, share my passions, and learn from others.

Countries I’ve Visited

Andorra, Colombia, France, Malta, Scotland, Spain, United Kingdom

Countries I’ve Lived In


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