Andrey Krapivin's Photo

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  • 2 references 1 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in Russian; learning English
  • 41, Male
  • Member since 2015
  • Programmer
  • No education listed
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 95% complete

About Me

I'm looking for. What exactly am I looking for? It is difficult to answer this question. I'm looking for a state in which the perception of beauty is calm and comprehensive. The state in which the package of "American Beauty" is really beautiful.


Feel what is going on. Immersed in the events, actions, people. Bokonon follow the commandments.

What I see is that I'm shooting pictures on an analog camera. But ... I do not always develop films ...

I like listening to music on vinyl records.

Music, Movies, and Books

One of the main writers who influenced me is Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Perhaps he has become a part of me.

Of the poets, Walt Whitman is amazing. And also Brodsky and Mayakovsky.

Recently I was completely captured by John Steinbeck.

From an early childhood strange and unexpectedly grown-up remembered the book Astrid Lindgren "The Brothers Lionheart".

All my music began in the school years with the band Pink Floyd. I thought they were the best band in the world) But the more I heard the music, the less categorical I became. There is too much in the world. And there are too many faces of what is called "music". Bobby McFerrin, 16 Horsepower, Mississippi John Hurt, Miles Davis ... So many things!

Films ... Perhaps in this area of art people are most omnivorous. One of the most powerful directors of our time is Béla Tarr. Viewing his film "Satantango" - with nothing incomparable experience. And quite definitely a great, unique film.

One of the best actors of our time, I think Daniel Day Lewis. His skill in entering the role is amazing. He creates himself each time!

At this moment (End of March 2017): Deeply impressed by the "The Grapes of Wrath" and "East of Eden" by John Steinbeck, I began reading his entire bibliography, from the first to the last book (now I'm somewhere in between). Last week we watched "Tony Erdaman" and believe that ite will definitely be one of the best films of 2017. The other day I once again listened on our vinyl record player the last record of Leonard Cohen. Just recently we watched a live broadcast from the Metropolitan Opera "La Traviata". Around the same week, they were at the theater and watched the performance of Bogomolov, who wonderfully mixes classical literature, modern media and the best theatrical traditions. And yesterday we drank a bottle of thick dark Belgian beer. What we love is always somewhere near.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Tea, coffee, something for tea. And the music above us.

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, France, Georgia, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Moldova, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine

Countries I’ve Lived In

Russian Federation

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