Photos de Anike Pinheiro

Profil non vérifié

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  • 32 avis 22 Confirmé et positif
  • Parle couramment  Portuguese; apprend  English, Italian
  • 38, Femme
  • Membre depuis 2019
  • Empreendedora
  • Superior
  • de Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
  • Profil renseigné à 100 %

À propos de moi

I was there since 2020, now I'm back!!!

I am a person who loves to receive people at home, love parties, beach, beer and add good friends in my life. I also love to travel, to venture into new places and cultures. Just 2 months ago I started studying English alone, without courses or help, I hope to achieve fluency as soon as possible! haha. I love life, I love living and enjoying every second of my days. I like to always be smiling, regardless of whether or not I'm having problems. I live with my parents, my daughter and my dog. I separate a room here in my house to receive my guests and I do it because I love, because I feel happy !!! In this short time I am part of Couchsurfing, I need to say that I only met amazing people. My joy is to receive people and my sadness is to have to say goodbye. I always take my guests to know the city and this is always a lot of fun for me. I am basically that as a person. Everyone is always very welcome in my house! In March I will be visiting Europe for 3 months and I hope to meet amazing people along the way too. The only thing I ask my guests is to bring the joy of living in the suitcase hahaha 😊

Obs; In my opinion, CS is for exchanging experience and not for the person to enter, leave and barely speak to the host. I also don't think it's cool for people to stay in the house all day without saying anything and without helping anything. If you are going to be locked in your room, book a hotel room. If you want to spend all day at home, at least collaborate by doing something useful. CS is neither a hotel nor an Airbnb. I want happy people in my house, who talk, who add, and who at least make their stay here fun, pleasant and unforgettable. If it isn't to make a difference, don't even ask me for accommodation! I want happy, communicative people at my house who have patience with the fact that I am still learning English ... I do not demand that anyone comes to my house speaking Portuguese, so do not demand fluent English from those who are still learning.

If you are looking for a shelter in my house to look for a job, look for a house to live in or because you have no place to stay, I really will not accept it, because that is not the purpose of the app. I want travelers at my house, happy people and to go out to have fun with me too, and to share nice moments. This is the true purpose of CS.

If you are positive, have a good vibe and do not think I am obliged to have fluent English, be very welcome and my home is your home!!! ♥️

Ps: I do not accept requests with a few days left, I only accept requests in advance 🔉🔉

Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing

To make good friendships, so in every trip have the opportunity to meet people and be available for travelers too

Centres d'intérêt

  • conhecer pessoas
  • conhecer novos lugares

Morceaux de musique, films et livres

Todos os tipos de música

Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue

The most amazing thing I did in my life was to dream about being a mother and get it !!!

Ce que j'aimerais partager avec mes hôtes

I offer all meals if possible, a single bed and a double mattress in a private room.

Pays que j'ai visités


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