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Зарегистрируйтесь на Couchsurfing, чтобы увидеть полный профиль пользователя Argen.
Обо мне
Meet children from all around the World ,conocer niños /as de todo el mundo
We both are expert in English and Spanish and like to do exchanges with other languages mainly portuguese.
I`m Morena,8 y.o. ,can play few songs in piano and guitar,I like making origami cranes ,frogs ,cameras and giving them as gifts/souvenirs,I take classical dance classes also.
Some parts of this profile will be filled in by my daughter and other ones by me .
Educate children and you will not need to punish men.Baby,children and teen´s mind are very fertile soil where from the most useless weed to the most useful plant can grow.Reading is the base of the wisdom.Practice peace , freedom and happiness round the clock.Be the change you want to see in the World.
Что привело меня на Couchsurfing
I hosted some times and went to several meetings.
Morena:To learn more songs with guitar and piano and anything else interesting from Couchsurfers,to improve my English by playing with other children rather than going to the English school I go.
Morena:aprender más canciones en piano y guitarra y cualquier otra cosa interesante de Couchsurfers y mejorar mi inglés jugando con otros niños en vez de seguir en el instituto de inglés al que voy .
Me gusta andar en bicicleta,subir montañas,andar en rollers o patines,correr carreras,colgarme ,hacer la vertical,practicar artes marciales,aprender cosas nuevas todos los días ,cocinar,leer,jugar y conversar .
I like biking,trekking,roller-blading/skating ,running races ,hanging,doing handstands,martial arts ,learning new things every day ,cooking,reading,playing and talking .
Quiero viajar con mi hija alrededor del mundo y conocer familias o madres solteras con niños.
I want to travel with my daughter around the World and meet families or single mothers with young children ,while I take a one year break .
- arts
- dancing
- cooking
- running
- reading
- traveling
- origami
- guitar
- piano
- cycling
- martial arts
- languages
Где я побывал(-а)
Austria, Cuba, Ecuador, France, Italy, United Kingdom
Где я жил(-а)
Значки старожила
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