Ashley Bloom的照片


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  • 38 评语 16 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English
  • 35, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2009
  • Vagabond
  • Nature / People / Sounds & Symbols
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


Basing near Byron Bay for now - learning a lot about life by being more still. Usually... intuitively traveling while working with a few key beloved humans to make manifest good outcomes across digital currency, cannabis medicine, finance and so on. Often up for adventure, mystery, beauty and candour when not in a reflective-creative space.

I flow freely most of the time, try to hold multifaceted perspectives, and commit strongly to learning (around) and contributing energy to whatever is beneficial, vital-alive and otherwise fascinating to me. Every day I'm remembering more about why my stardust meat skeleton cluster came here, and what wants to live through it. It's been a colourful ride thus far...

Communicate with honesty and compassion. Challenge and evolve mental models that don't serve. Live in alignment with truth, teasing one's edges. Heal oneself and support the growth of others. Be adventurous and foolish. Have fun and indulge consciously. Balance surrender and action. Share adventure, energy and wisdom with all people. Crack and sometimes break what appears possible in this reality.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

Many time (50+) host, 5-10 times a surfer. While hosting, I like my home to be a peaceful, temple-like sanctuary. While surfing, I bring curiosity, enthusiasm and my own culture(s) to your world.

I've hosted 50+ CSers in the past few years. Many have lit up my home, and I've tried to support their energy and experience of Melbourne to whatever extent I've been able. I've met some beautiful souls, and am glad to have provided a safe and interesting place to stay.


Movement: Gymnastics, Surfing, Squash, BJJ & MMA, Bike Riding, Boxing, Functional Patterns, occasional tennis and basketball.

Nature meets Culture meets Design meets Technology meets Philosophy meets Healing.

Spirit enlivening, vibrant, strange art.

  • surfing
  • boxing
  • tennis
  • squash
  • bike riding
  • brazilian jiu jitsu


Music: Jazz, Soul, Funk, Hip-Hop, Blues, Folk, limited Pop, some Techno, Classical, Prog Psy and various local/folk forms of music with spirit.
Movies: Well produced arty ones. Classics and select blockbusters from all decades. Funny, quirky and D-grade stuff when the mood calls. Documentaries about artisans, culture, and history.
Reads: (A lot of books) on human nature, biophysics, spiritualit, intimacy, philosophy of work. Clever, characterful fiction.


- Forming close friendships and connecting them with each other in a meaningful way. I am deeply curious about the human condition, and that pursuit has allowed me to help facilitate the birth of many friendships.
- Multiple rolling, non-ejaculatory orgasms while sitting and meditating.
- Many non-ordinary state journeys and realisations.
- A significant existential crisis in 2010 changed my life greatly for the better.
- An unexpected health problem in 2016 (now resolved) taught me a lot about compassion, gratefulness and living with priority, but without delay.
- Falling in and out of love.
- Bungee jumping in New Zealand from 134m was pretty amazing.
- Exploring the Middle East a bit when I was 20. Very alien and valuable to the young, ignorant Australian kid I was.
- First time traveling without a proper plan in Vietnam.
- First time traveling solo for many months in the USA.
- First time traveling with a one-way ticket (2017).
- First time traveling with missions and visions (2019).


TEACH: Can teach physical prehab and rehab, writing skills and suggest useful mental models. Whatever you're doing, I tend to be helpful at helping people magnify everything they are and do in a way that loses no integrity.

LEARN: Basics of native languages wherever I travel + more conversational if I stay a while. Deep culture of your community, traditions and life paths. Creative processes. New ways of seeing things.

SHARE: I'd hope to share all aspects of my essence that can enrich the lives of every host and CSer I meet.


Enriching the lives of those who occupy the spaces that host me. Cooking, drinking and laughs together. Movement/healing/bodywork explorations. Stories. Philosophy.


Denmark, Egypt, England, France, Germany, Hungary, Indonesia, Israel, Italy, Jordan, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Poland, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, United States, Vatican City State, Viet Nam


Australia, United States


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