Ata De Letras's Photo

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  • 75% response rate
  • Last login about 2 hours ago

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  • 33 references 21 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Russian, Spanish, Turkish; learning French
  • 27, Male
  • Member since 2021
  • Translations
  • Literature and Philology
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

**Many many requests, sorry that I decline most without chatting.

I do experimental poetry and drawing. I perpetually hum a song and dance cause my circuitry is wired as suchhh. I like anything that stimulates aliveness, like even being sad. He's got a lust for life which at times burns through him like drugs - and I love meeting people, creating stories, and making life into a work of art. Visually rendered @atadeletras
I tend to be very direct and I got no filter and I do not plan to change that, some people take it for rudeness, some for awesomeness. But I don't know... life happens.
***I get that physical attraction and sex drive is very human, and I'm open minded as fuck. But not here for that - not not here for anything specific either. So keep it chill please.

Ps: I'd wanna meet other passionate photo/videographers to do some cinematic projects. Text me if u think u got it in u

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I derive pleasure from newness of other human beings. Whenever I'm about to meet up with a new someone, it feels like I'm about to pluck a treasure chest from mud. Sometimes they're full of shit, but I still keep the thrill of finding it.


When a friend asked me 3 things I could not live without, I said: books, music and coffee (he was desperate for me to say sex). In other words, being lonely, romanticising life and stimuli.
Share what your 3 things are ! )

  • literature
  • photography
  • red wine
  • coffee
  • music
  • hiking
  • food
  • dance
  • clubs
  • languages exchange

Music, Movies, and Books

Lana Del Rey. Cigarettes after sex. The neighbourhood. Linkin Park. Evanescence. One Republic. And do admit that Swift is goood.

"Arrival" might be the one. "Joker". Then comes the LOTR and Hobbit trilogies, Interstellar. I also love Bollywood.

Many fav books. But I'm gonna take sides and say that "All the light we cannot see" by Anthony Doerr (I think that man's a little insane) And "The Brain" by David Eagleman is also turn-on for my sapiosexual self. Just like "This is Going to Hurt" by Adam Kay - hilariously sad book. Reading is addiction

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

I got 3: Outliving my depression. Learning to learn. Poems I've written.

Teach, Learn, Share

Basics of languages I speak. Vast knowledge of different cultures, histories, religions, and cuisine. And I'm down to learning anything you've got. Every piece of knowledge is to die for, I've heard.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can cook various dishes. Invite u to a coffee or a red wine, never white. Let u know what u might not have yet heard of.

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Bulgaria, France, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Portugal, Slovenia, Sweden, Switzerland

Countries I’ve Lived In

Spain, Turkey, Turkmenistan

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