Le foto di Anna Nguyen

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Vuole socializzare

  • Ultimo accesso circa 14 anni fa

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Informazioni generali

  • 3 referenze 2 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English; lingua che sta imparando Italian, Vietnamese
  • 37, Donna
  • Membro dal 2007
  • Student, Consultant on Campus
  • University of California, Santa Barbara; Studied Abroad i...
  • Di San Diego, California
  • Profilo completo al 85%

Chi sono


Gelato and You


Ciao! I studied abroad in the summer of 2006 in Hue, Vietnam, and am currently studying in Siena, Italy.

My seven-year-old cousin bought me a Pink Cat (Build-A-Bear) with a pink "Girls Rule!" T-Shirt and pink mini-skirt. If you press its right arm..fairy music will play. She named it Shadow.

I love random meetings with people that are down for engaging conversation.

If I feel like going all out, I'll get avocado with my meal.

Constant high girly voices make me go crazy.

I'm a nomad trying to find a place to live during the holidays.

My "funny" faces can only do so much.


La vita é bella!

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


I just started CS very, very recently but I'm loving what I see!




My absolute favorite thing to do in Siena, Italia:
- sit in my windowsill on two orange seat cushions while watching the Italian life down below

  • cats
  • dining
  • music

Musica, film e libri

Ray LaMontagne, Regina Spektor, The Magic Numbers for those windowsill, pensive moments.
You play the music. I shall dance (but the not the freaky kind.)

Insegna, impara, condividi

Vietnam. See it. You'll love it. Stay away from the cyclo-drivers, grow relationships with the adorable orphans, and love the food.

Siena, Italy. I live here currently till August 25th. I shall return to this country. People here think everyone thinks I am a giapponese, I even got "Lucy Liu" a couple of times.

Iscriviti a Couchsurfing per visualizzare il profilo completo di Anna.