Le foto di Adam Breakiron

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Informazioni generali

  • 18 referenze 10 Confermato e positivo
  • Lingua che parla fluentemente English; lingua che sta imparando Japanese, Sign Language - American
  • 40, Uomo
  • Membro dal 2006
  • Wanderlust Vagabond
  • Nessun titolo di studio indicato
  • Città di origine non indicata
  • Profilo completo al 100%

Chi sono


Travel and see as many things as I possibly can. Take time off for myself.


Unquenchable thirst for knowledge. I love to read. For every one I read, I buy five more. I love to travel, to see and experience new things. I like to meet new people. Curious to no end (well until it kills this cat, that is.)

I came back from four years in Japan and bought a motorcycle, with which I'm currently on an eight month road trip. The goal? Well, I'm sort of making that up as I go along. I've been to over 40 some states in the U.S. and part of this trip is to visit the states I have not been to before. The second part of this trip will begin when I drop my motorcycle off at a friend's house in Texas and cross the border into Mexico and continue further south. Where do I plan on going exactly? Well... I'm the kind of individual who, if travels over 3,000 miles won't turn away and miss something only 500 miles further. Meaning, I hope to leave no stone unturned. Obviously I have a bit of a time restriction and can't see everything, but I'd like to at least try and visit all the mainland countries of Central and South America. Where will I stay, eat sleep, do laundry etc. etc.? All good qustions, to which I have no reply because I havn't worked that one out myself yet. What other languages besides English do I know? Hmmmm... does partially broken Japanese bar talk count towards anything? To answer that more honestly, no, I don't know any other languages besides English. Where do I go from there? Well, after I spend 3-4 months south of the border I'll return to Texas and pick up my bike and head west to California. Then I'll head up the west coast to Alaska around the June, July time frame. Other than that I just take what comes my way and make the best of each opportunity. Life's too short, eat dessert first. Be kind to everybody but don't take shit from any one. If you can't get into trouble for it, it isn't worth doing.


Life's too short, eat dessert first. Do what you want to do, when you want to do it and let the rest work itself out. Be true to yourself and kind to others. To each his own. Life is what you make it. Why, because why not? Be positive, things could always be worse. Besides, the worse things get the more fun you have!

"Everything's gonna be alright!"
-Bob Marley

Perché sono iscritto su Couchsurfing


1 - Spent a day with my first host in Amsterdam.
2 - Crashed in Paris, France for a night for free.
3 - Monterrey, Mexico with Irais
4 - Tampico, Mexico with Robbie
5 - Veracruz, Mexico with Mariela
6 - Tuxtla Gutierrez, Mexico with Luis
7 - Cancun, Mexico with Manolo and Erick
8 - Antigua, Guatamala with Dave and Hickey
9 - Panama City, Panama with Ken
10 - Cartagena, Colombia with Ausitin
11 - Quayaquil, Ecuador with Belen
12 - Lima, Peru with Manuel
13 - Valparaiso, Chile with Fedor
14 - Concepcion, Chile with Rodrigo
15 - Concepcion, Chile with Felipe
16 - Villarrica, Chile with Jorge
17 - Buenos Aires, Argentina with Maxi
18 - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with Pedro
19 - Brasilia, Brazil with Emerson
20 - Cayenne, French Guiana with Daniel
21 - Paramaibo, Suriname with Rene
22 - Georgetown, Guyana with Bettina


Travel, hiking, biking, rock climbing, reading, photography, a good conversation, good food, good company, I'll try just about anything once!

  • cats
  • dogs
  • fish
  • photography
  • concerts
  • dining
  • chess
  • reading
  • traveling
  • cars
  • cycling
  • fishing
  • hiking
  • sailing
  • rock climbing
  • track and field
  • emergency services
  • languages
  • law
  • medicine
  • lakes

Una cosa incredibile che ho fatto

-Went to Hawaii for two weeks within four days of deciding to go. (this is extreamly difficult in the military on such short notice and with no plans)
-Got gyped out of 60 Euro for a bum concert ticket (don't buy tickets from scalpers in Amsterdam.)
-Got a massage from a gay Italian in London (didn't know at first, shortly found out.)
-Slept on streets of London and spent time with the homeless.
-Went to see Moulin Rouge in Paris!
-Police busted in my cabin on the train ride to Barcelona to deport one of the passengers I had been speaking with.
-Hitch hiked to Andorra!
-Jumped off a moving train in Munich in search for a missing passport!
-Played chess with the Slovenian cab drivers while waiting for my train.
-Watched gypsies wash thier dog in the Pisa central fountain.
-Hiked through Cinque Terre (absolutely beautiful!)
-Swore "God Damnit!" when I dropped my camera in St. Peter's Basilica Easter Sunday and the flash went off (I got more than a few stares on that one.)
-Went parasailing and jetskiing in Thailand.
-Went snorkling and climbed a waterfall Christmas day in Jamaica.
-Hiked through the forrest in order to get a potion from the Bush Doctor in Jamaica.
-Crewed onboared a sailboat for 4 weeks. Sailing the great lakes and Erie canal.
-Three months on the road with my motorcycle and going strong. Fish Tailed, rode centerline trying to come to a halt between semi trucks and cars on the expressway, 2 inches of snow on the windshield had to drive 20 miles leaning to the side, drove in 5" of snow and in 17 degree weather with no cold weather gear.
-Navigate through Central and South America speaking no Spanish whatsoever.
-Climbed ancient Mayan ruines and swam in waterfalls in Mexico
-Climbed volcano Pacaya
-Stayed in a halfway house for young women comming out of a detention center and visitted the childrens orphanage in Tegucigalapa, Honduras.
-Went sandboarding in Leon, Nicaragua
-Taught a 3rd grade class how to fold paper frogs and worked on my jugglig skills (not so great) in Cartegena, Colombia
-Rode a bicycle and 4 wheeler through the jungle, swam in hot springs, got to visit the police station to give a statement about my friend´s lost passport in Ecuador
-Ran around selling handcrafted jewlry with two Chilian's I was hanging out with, had to be pulled out of a rip tide (I nearly drowned) by locals in Mancora, Peru.
-Didn't have Yellow Fever vaccination, bribed border patrol officials to sign off my visa anyhow to ge into Bolivia.
-Lost track of 3 weeks in Chile between cactus, mushrooms, grass and the well, can't recall...
-Border patrol dogs pointed me out for a search within minutes of crossing into Argentina.
-Spent the night on the streets in Colonia, Uruguay.

Insegna, impara, condividi

Don't buy ticket's from scalper's in Amsterdam. Although it's legal, if anything should go wrong, the police (like all other law enforcement) can't help you.

Paesi che ho visitato

Andorra, Argentina, Australia, Austria, Bahamas, Belgium, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Colombia, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, French Guiana, Germany, Guam, Guatemala, Guyana, Honduras, Italy, Jamaica, Japan, Mexico, Monaco, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Portugal, Singapore, Slovenia, South Korea, Spain, Suriname, Switzerland, Thailand, Trinidad and Tobago, United Kingdom, United States, Uruguay, Vatican City State

Paesi in cui ho vissuto

Japan, United States

Distintivi “vecchia scuola”

  • 4 Garantiscis

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