Aymeric BERTHOU's Photo

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  • Last login about 3 years ago

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  • 7 references 5 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Klingon
  • 29, Male
  • Member since 2019
  • Animateur socio-culturelle
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


(The translated text in French is in the end)

Good morning, has all and has all has leave of September, 2019 I intend to travel without money with the intention of travelling by diminishing my ecological footprint the most possible and to test another system of pay i will exchange my time against food and bed to rediscover human being and nature to reconnect with the world and the to refind the human solidarity. But i don't want to abuse. I help and i will be help.
I wants to find some new occupations by helping most possible world and discover "Woofing" and disover full of things on the organic farming, I also intend to try "Couchsurfing" the Helpx programme, SVI, The civic service,i'm really want to be a volunteer.
I would also like to perform art as street artist when it will be possible.
I'm a really full of curiosity so i can make cook,take care of childrens,old peoples,animals helping you with nature and agricultural works (it's just one part of the things that i'm interresting !)
My plan is to make discover to the children of my leisure center, all the ecological possibilities alternatives by travelling around the world in structures which pronne a sustainable development this plan will be called "The trip of an Unicorn" the Unicorn is the symbol of my leisure centre.

If you also want to participate has this mad plan.... You can maybe welcome me if you desire !
All the kids from Granfontaine in France will be very happy !

Bonjour,a tous et a toutes a partir de septembre 2019 je compte voyager sans argent dans le but de voyager en diminuant mon empreinte écologique le plus possible et expérimenter un autre système de monétisation que l'argent pour redécouvrir l'humain et la nature au plus prés possible du monde.
Je veut découvrir de nouvelles occupations en aidant le plus de monde possible et découvrir le "Woofing" et connaitre plein de choses sur l'agriculture biologique, je compte aussi essayer le "couchsurfing" le programme Helpx, le SVI,Le SVE Service civique...
J'aimerais aussi me produire en tant qu'artiste de rue quand cela sera possible.
Mon projet est de faire découvrir aux enfants de mon centre, toutes les alternatives écologiques possibles en voyageant autour du monde dans des structures qui pronne un développement durable ce projet s'intitulera "Le voyage d'une Licorne" la Licorne étant le symbole de mon centre de loisirs.
Donc si vous voulez aussi participer a ce projet fou.... Vous pouvez m'accueillir !

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

(The translated text in French is in the end )
I think as a european and inhabitant of the world we should more develop our mind of reception because with all our means which we dispose it seems to me useful to share our property and to make discover our culture in most possible world.
The cultural exchanges of different persons from the whole world are an unique chance for me and for others peoples. The world is big and a the life is short, so it's really important to reconnect ourselves to this complicated world, together, because maybe in the future beacause of global warming, it would be a question about life and death ! But for now, let's enjoying about life and protect the planet.
I receive and you receive has your turn, a nice philosophy, i guess, in this more and more closed world.

Je pense qu'en tant qu'européeen et habitant du monde nous devrions plus développer notre esprit d'accueil car avec tous nos moyens que nous disposons il me semble utile de partager nos biens et faire découvrir notre culture au plus de monde possible.
L'échange culturel de personnes différentes venant du monde entier est une chance unique et un vrai privilége pour moi et pour les autres.
J'accueille et tu accueille a ton tour, une belle philosophie dans ce monde de plus en plus fermé.


  • culture
  • cinema
  • environnement
  • citoyenneté

Music, Movies, and Books

Morceau préféré/Favorite song : Fake plastic tree de radiohead
Livre préféré/Favorite book : Sur la route/On the road (Jack Kerouac)
Film préféré : Interstellar

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Tout ce que j'ai vécu jusqu'à présent.

All i had seen, since now...

Teach, Learn, Share

Je peut partager: quelques notions d'anglais, ma bonne humeur, quelques recettes de cuisine, apprentissage d'instruments,arts, la culture Francaise etc... J'aimerais beaucoup ré-apprendre l'espagnol !

I can share : Some notions of English, my good mood, some recipes, learning about musical instruments, arts, French culture etc... i really would like to learn again Spanish !

What I Can Share with Hosts

Mon aide matériel,physique, mon temps...

My material and physical help, my time...

Countries I’ve Visited

England, Italy, Spain, Switzerland

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