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  • 15 references 12 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Spanish; learning Polish, Serbian
  • 42, Male
  • Member since 2009
  • development assistance
  • international cooperation
  • From Nidwalden, Switzerland
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

I would say I'm an open-minded, natural, unpretentious, maybe even simple guy, I don't know. Originally from a remote area of German speaking Switzerland, I left for the broader world as soon as I could. Later on I settled down in lovely, great, fantastic Lausanne, in the French speaking part of Switzerland. I call it "home" - at least for now, and still go back there on the weekends, even though I work in Lucerne now.

I'm interested in a lot of stuff, the most interesting thing being people, of course. But what I like most is travelling! Travelling for me is not going fancy places and taking proof pictures, but about having an insight in an other society's way of life, getting to know cool, interesting and easygoing people, and enjoying the happy atmosphere which reigns wherever different people come together.

I like practicing foreign languages, especially Spanish, Polish and French - or English, faute de mieux ;-) Now I've started to learn Serbian.

I'm gay, and when I travel I like to discover queer places, too. But straight people, don't need to panic, I'm not heterophobic at all... hehe.

------ Lo esencial en breve y en castellano : ------

Soy un tipo con la mente abierta, originario de la suiza germanófona y he vivido en la parte francófona del país y en otros lugares del mundo también. Me gusta practicar los idiomas extranjeros que he aprendido, contemplar el mundo desde ángulos diferentes a los muy comunes y conocer a y convivir con gente y culturas que son tan diferentes - y aun tan similares..!

------ L'essentiel en bref et en français : ------

Je suis un gars ouvert d'esprit, originaire des alpes de la Suisse alémanique (et profonde), mais j'ai vécu aussi en Suisse romande pendant quelques années, et ailleurs dans le monde. J'aime pratiquer les langues étrangères que j'ai apprises, de voir le monde depuis des angles différents au commun et de rencontrer et de vivre avec des gens et des cultures toutes si différentes - et pourtant si semblables ..!

------ Po polsku ------

Mowię trochę po polsku, ale... no tylko trochę. Więc tak można wysyłać wiadomości po polsku, ale ja wolę odpowiedzieć w innym języku który lepiej mówię.

------ Deutsch ------

Auf Deutsch geht's natürlich auch :-)


Nothing is simple - but "nothing" is too simple!


Doing my piece for world peace :-D

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I enjoy hosting openminded couchsurfers, sharing my favourite places of the city with them, having a laugh and a drink, cooking together, going out, etc. I decline impersonal mass requests.


Travelling, getting to know people, trying to understand other cultures and ways of thinking, partying, news, politics & societies, festivals, cinema, concerts, literature

  • literature
  • concerts
  • festivals
  • partying
  • drinking
  • politics
  • news
  • movies
  • traveling
  • languages
  • beaches

Music, Movies, and Books

Movies: Almodóvar, Cuarón, Iñaritú, Dolan, van Sant, von Trier, Ozon, Bier, etc.
Music: Damien Rice, Anthony and the Johnsons, Portishead, Beth Gibbons, Muse, Tricky, Massive Attack, Arms and Sleepers, Radiohead, Sunday Drivers, Facto Delafé y las Flores Azules, Pink Martini, Café Tacvba, Control Machete, RJD2, Ben Harper, Puts Marie etc.
Books: G. García Márquez, M. Vargas Llosa, R. Hage, A. Steinhöfel, Ch. Wolf, M. Cunningham, M. Frisch, A. Camus, A. Gide, etc.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Swimming 400 metres below sea level. The atmosphere of this place is breathtaking - there simply is no words for it! And nearby, you see and feel how close peace and war can be to each other. No words, no words can tell..!

Teach, Learn, Share

Let's share the world we're living in!

What I Can Share with Hosts

Sorry, I normally can't host for the moment becose I leave and work in different cities (Lausanne/Lucerne) and don't have my own flat in neither of the two. But I'm happy to meet up with couchsurfers in town (i.e. Lucerne during the week; Lausanne at weekends), to show you around, have some drinks, give you tips, etc.

Countries I’ve Visited

Albania, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, Cuba, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, Guatemala, Hungary, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Kosovo, Laos, Liechtenstein, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Macedonia, Mexico, Monaco, Montenegro, Netherlands, Oman, Palestine, Panama, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sri Lanka, Sweden, Thailand, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, United Kingdom, United States, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Germany, Kosovo, Mexico, Poland, Switzerland

Old School Badges

  • 3 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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