Behzad M Yeganeh's Photo

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  • 32 references 22 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Persian (Farsi); learning Arabic
  • 46, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Architect
  • Ph.D candidate in Architecture
  • From Tehran, Tehran, Iran (Islamic Republic of)
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


The more experience, the more knowledge, the best moments!
Every journey is a treasure trove of experiences, each step a lesson, and every encounter a story waiting to unfold.


Hello wanderlust souls! I'm someone who finds solace in the rhythm of travel, preferring the nomadic embrace of backpacking. Enthralled by the beauty of art, captivated by the intricacies of architecture, and enamored by the richness of diverse cultures, I navigate the world with an insatiable curiosity.

Picture me as a serene voyager, yet ever eager to plunge into the depths of adventure, seeking out the hidden gems and embracing the unknown with open arms. Whether it's getting lost in the maze of a bustling city or finding serenity in the quietude of nature's embrace, every moment holds the promise of discovery.

If you're curious to peek into the kaleidoscope of my journeys, feel free to wander through the snapshots of my adventures on Instagram:


"Good Thoughts, Good Words, and Good Deeds" (three pillars of Zoroastrian Faith)— these timeless pillars stand as my guiding light, illuminating the path towards a life rich in compassion, wisdom, and kindness. With each interaction, each experience, I strive to sow seeds of positivity, nurturing a world where goodness flourishes and echoes through the tapestry of existence.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Embarking on this Couchsurfing journey isn't just about finding a place to rest my head; it's about forging connections with fellow wanderers who share the same insatiable thirst for adventure and the unwavering love for exploring new horizons.


In the vibrant tapestry of Couchsurfing, you'll find me weaving threads of camaraderie through various avenues. Whether it's immersing myself in the lively pulse of community events, opening up my humble abode to fellow travelers as a host, surfing the couches of kindred spirits across the globe, or playing the role of an enthusiastic guide, leading my guests through the intricate alleyways of my city's secrets — I'm fully immersed in the spirit of Couchsurfing, eager to share experiences, stories, and laughter with each new encounter.


Hiking, visiting historical places, camping in the jungle, architecture, visiting museums, cycling.

  • cats
  • arts
  • architecture
  • hiking
  • nature
  • environmentalism
  • landscape design

Music, Movies, and Books

When Nietzsche Wept (Irvin D. Yalom)
Existential Psychotherapy (Irvin D. Yalom)
A History of Philosophy (Frederick Copleston)
The Myth of Sisyphus ( Albert Camus)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Exploring the ancient, sand-kissed dwellings nestled within the heart of Yazd city, tracing the whispers of history that echo through their timeworn walls.

Conquering the mighty heights of Mount Damavand, standing solitary at its peak in a feat of solitary triumph, marking a milestone as the pioneer of the inaugural ascent.

Embarking on a soul-stirring backpacking odyssey through the enchanting landscapes of Turkey and the diverse tapestry of Europe, where every cobblestone street, every bustling market, and every serene vista unfolded a new chapter of adventure and discovery.

Teach, Learn, Share

Within the mosaic of our Couchsurfing connection, let's transcend mere accommodation and delve into the realms of mutual enrichment. Engage in the art of language exchange, where each syllable becomes a bridge between cultures, and every conversation an opportunity for growth. Share the tapestry of our traveling experiences, weaving together stories that paint the vibrant hues of our adventures across the globe. And if the digital realm is our playground, let's exchange the threads of our online presence, linking our websites to further intertwine our journeys.

What I Can Share with Hosts

In the sanctuary of my abode, expect more than just a place to lay your head. Delight in the warmth of a reliable Wi-Fi connection, linking you to the digital world as you traverse the physical one. Savor the aroma of freshly brewed coffee, a soothing elixir to invigorate weary souls and spark lively conversations. And when it comes to exploring the wonders of our surroundings, count on me to be your guide, unveiling the hidden gems and secret vistas that await just beyond the horizon.

Countries I’ve Visited

Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Georgia, Germany, Greece, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Serbia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Arab Emirates

Countries I’ve Lived In


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