Фотографии пользователя Bernadette Andrea

Верификация не пройдена

  • Платежные данные не подтверждены
  • Телефон не подтвержден
  • Личность не подтверждена

Возможно, принимает гостей

  • Последний раз на сайте: около 5 лет назад

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  • 12 отзывов 7 Подтвержденные хостом и гостем
  • Знает English, German, Spanish; изучает Dutch
  • 40, Женский
  • Пользователь с 2008
  • teacher
  • Образование не указано
  • Родной город не указан
  • Профиль заполнен на 95%

Обо мне

I am an open and pro-active person, happy to share a bit of my life with others and interested in getting to know and understanding the people that cross my path. I´m emotional, a little chaotic and always pretty busy. I can be veeeery passionate about things that interest me a lot and a bit ignorant towards topics that do not. I´m quite fascinated by the variety of ways of living and thinking that exist in this world and I´m very curious about how to give them all their place and space (on this planet as well as in my personal life).

I usually live with my partner Andreas, who is likely to be either your second host or the second surfer for whom I´ll be asking a couch. We both have been travelling a lot together, and most of our (overall positive!!) couchsurfing experiences we´ve also had together.
We both like endless walks on the coast, hiking, making campfires, wild camping, red wine, making music (singers, musicians welcome to spontaneous jam-sessions without any professional objective!) and having endless political discussions (be aware;)!).
Respect and tolerance towards other ways of living and thinking we find crucial in intercultural aproaches, we do expect this from ourselves and others.

Что привело меня на Couchsurfing

Over the last decade I´ve couchsurfed time and again when I was travelling, -mostly throughout Spain and Latinamerica as the hispanic world somehow has grown to my favourite travel-destination...:) - and I´ve had some wonderful encounters with very interesting and special people from all over the world, hosts as well as surfers. By now I cannot even imagine travelling without couchsurfing anymore...it has grown to a very important part of my travelling and a few contacts that I´ve made through couchsurfing have grown to be friends that I repeatedly keep meeting when I´m in their region without even using the platform anymore.

What I like about CS, thinking of its recent developments, is, that it has become something far bigger than an exchange-platform for travellers. People have started to exchange very different things on the regional forums...opinions, advices, things they don´t use anymore or things they would like to have, events, languages, favourite places to eat/drink/make sports/be creative...it is not only about surfing/hosting anymore but about getting into contact with people and exchanging on a very broad level BUT- above all - WITHOUT money. And this - in the overmonetarized age that we live in - to me is the most beautiful and inspiring and revolutionary thing about it. :)

Although I´ve been with Couchsurfing now already for quite some time I have to admit that I`ve surfed far more than I hosted. Partly that comes from always having had small flats/rooms, from travelling a lot myself or living abroad again and again and from always having a pretty busy working-schedule (at least when I´m in Austria). Nevertheless I´m hoping for it to change as I´ve always felt like giving something back for all the gratifying experiences I´ve had while surfing.


languages, travelling, teaching, music (singing, playing the guitar...), the outdoors (I love to be in the mountains and at the sea, near cliffs, fields and woods, hiking, camping, swimming...), feminism/gender equality, polyamory, sustainability/ecology...

to be in

to feel

to enjoy

this life and this world


  • singing
  • education
  • womens rights
  • wine
  • red wine
  • drinking
  • politics
  • traveling
  • music
  • guitar
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • camping
  • surfing
  • sports
  • swimming
  • ecology
  • teaching
  • gender studies
  • languages
  • hitchhiking
  • volunteering
  • mountains

Классная вещь, которую я сделал(-а)

...volunteering in an intercultural home for disabled kids near Jerusalem where cristians, muslims and jews worked together with people from all over the world
...a six-months-bycicle-trip through the Andes of Southamerica
...hitchhiking with three other girls from Austria to Portugal
...living and working in La Boquilla (Cartagena, Colombia)
...Gender Studies - yes, I´m totally serious! :)
...vivir en la Costa Quebrada, Cantabria - yippiiieee!!

Учу, учусь, делюсь опытом и информацией

I am a teacher and I am a learner and I love both.
Over the last few years I´ve been teaching very different kinds of groups, from kids with and without disabilities to highschool students as well as women from different ethnic backgrounds. What all those experiences had in common where my enthusiastic response to it. I simply love to think about the WHATs, HOWs and WHYs of teaching, of educational systems and ways of (formal AND informal) learning. Within the field of education I´ve always been especially interested in the field of learning languages as well as in critical approaches to interculturality, gender and society/economy/politics. So I´m always happy to exchange about these topics.
Among others...:)

Где я побывал(-а)

Bolivia, Bulgaria, Chile, Ecuador, Ireland, Jordan, Netherlands, Peru, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine

Где я жил(-а)

Austria, Colombia, Israel, Spain

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