Bharath Sreenath的照片


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  • 1 评语
  • 精通 English, Hindi, Kannada, Tamil, Telugu; 正在学习 Spanish
  • 33, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2012
  • Entreprenuer
  • B.S. in Industrial Engineering & Management
  • 来自Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


I help people and companies take their "MESS" and turn it into their message.

I'm currently in the process of dropping out of grad school in California to step out and live my purpose in the world. Travel, make lot of friends, work on projects that speak my heart's desires and create the life I want to for myself and friends.

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing

I was in Denver a week ago when I and my partner Sweta were in a pinch but our friend Aditi managed to snag a couch-surfing spot from a local (Mike) who graciously opened his home and helped us through the stay for 3 days and even gave me his pants that I needed as I didn't have a suit.

Yep, I'm that outrageously open about what I like, what I dislike, what my preferences are since I believe the world can be a happier place with a little more emphasis placed on the values of honesty and integrity without projecting a false need to add more chaos into the world.

P.S. The Pants I'm Wearing In My Profile Pic Above is Mike's.

Guess what - It fit me exactly and that's my profile picture too.

I believe that when one truly steps into their purpose, the universe will bring all the resources, people, love and energy needed to make one's dreams happen.


Serenading Goddesses in my down time and hatching evil plans with my Wolfpack in different parts of the world.

  • salsa dancing
  • tango
  • basketball
  • entrepreneurship
  • psychology
  • spirituality
  • sustainability
  • social innovation
  • social psychology
  • social entrepreneurship


Rocky Series (All of it)

Lord of the Rings

Harry Potter Series

Books - All about Sherlock. The End of Your World, Reality is Broken


Met the woman of my dreams and asked her to marry me after 7 days of meeting her. :)


I teach about behavior design, and rewiring one's brain to achieve results and breakthroughs in all areas of my client's lives.

I do this with an inside out approach. You are the content, the curriculum.

You set the pace.

I simple hold the space for your transformation to happen.


I can share and cook delicious Indian meals, share wacky travel stories of my ridiculous adventures and projects I'm working on. (Sexing Out Loud being one of them).


British Indian Ocean Territory, India, Thailand, United States

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