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À propos de moi
Grow up as a citizien of the world!
describe myself mmmm
I'm honnest, love to laugh, love to travel,dancing etc...
I think it's better to let you explore who i'm, then talking about me here all the time.
I really need peace and at the same time I need to be in very different places (traveling).
I am friendly, enjoy a good night out but also like to chill-out and have moments where I can concentrate and relax. I like a lot of stuff including design, music, traveling, photography and art. I am fairly interested by everything and like to hear other peoples opinions on the world.
Honest and reliable are values that are important to me. I am creative and dynamic, and don t understand people that are continuously bored or upset.
Describir es demasiado objetivo para lo subjetivo, soy una persona con virtudes y defectos, me gustan las cosas imperfectas. Pero lo intentare que no se diga que soy vaga.
Describirse a una misma siempre es una tarea difi cil. En mi caso, tal vez imposible. El dia que tenga que escribir mi cv sera mi cruz. Soy capaz de escribir cincuenta mil lineas sin decir nada. O hablar mucho, antes de pensar en lo que digo. O no hablar nada, pues primero debo vencer mi timidez (que no es poca). Ahora bien, cuando la venzo, no hay quien me pare, para pesar de mi interlocutor... y de mi faringe.
Soy una persona inquieta pero de caracter bastante tranquila. Trabajadora y perezosa. Ironico. Interesada en todo y en nada. Pragmatica y soñadora. Una persona reflexiva que actua casi siempre a impulsos. Contradictorio, como todo ser humano.
Soy firme en mis opiniones. A veces demasiado; me cuesta cambiar de opinion, aunque admito que me equivoco muchas veces y no siempre tengo la razon. Cuando me doy cuenta, intento rectificar.
I think that the world is a great place to live in and that only we can make it what we want it to be.
So if you have questions please ask
Don't waste your time!! do something with your life.
One of my favourite's books it's about Douglas Adams... and their philosphy
I thing that all we're Hitchhiker's in many aspects of our lives.
Somebody who can stay in control of virtually any situation is somebody who is said to know where his or her towel is.
The logic behind this statement is presented in chapter 3 of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy :
...a towel has immense psychological value. For some reason, if a strag (strag: nonhitchhiker) discovers that a hitchhiker has his towel with him, he will automatically assume that he is also in possession of a toothbrush, washcloth, soap, tin of biscuits, flask, compass, map, ball of string, gnat spray, wet-weather gear, space suit etc., etc. Furthermore, the strag will then happily lend the hitchhiker any of these or a dozen other items that the hitchhiker might accidentally have "lost". What the strag will think is that any man who can hitch the length and breadth of the galaxy, rough it, slum it, struggle against terrible odds, win through, and still knows where his towel is, is clearly a man to be reckoned with.
Pourquoi je suis sur Couchsurfing
I host and I surf. I like both :-D
But if you come to barcelona, you will have a personal guide tour.
I've surfed friends' couches and hosted friends and friends of friends many times before and a few times after my introduction to CS!
WE HOSTED (here and hospitality club):
Maria from Greece, Atens (07 August)
Adele from UK, Middlesex (07 March)
Lucia from Valencia (July 08)
Jean Marc from France (October 08)
Natalia from UK,Cardiff (December 09)
Karl from Germany (January 10)
Mikey from San Diego,U.S.A.(June 10)
Olivia from La senia (April 10)
Vanessa from Venezuela (April 10)
Gregory from Belgium (Nov 10)
Mathew from Amsterdam (Dec 10)
Nikola from Hungary (Jan 11)
Charlotte from USA/Argentina (Jan 11)
Florence with Barbara Rabinad (November 07)
Kaiserlauten with Xavier Prats (January - May 08)
NYC (Anita, Luiz, Julia) (February 10)
Copenhagen with Freja and Andreas (May 10)
Burgos with Candela (July 10)
Centres d'intérêt
I enjoy affection, complicity and rapid minds who likes to play. I like TV, the digital life, and I'm a mac die hard lover.
I am really interested to know other cultures.
I like meeting foreing people because I think the cultural exchange is very exciting.
At the moment, travell for me is the most interesting thing. Everywhere you go you can learn something.
Me gusta ir de excursion, aunque trabajar los findes me lo impide, pero tiempo al tiempo.Me gusta el deporte como entretenimiento o diversion pasajera, aunque no lo practico asiduamente y curiosamente suelo terminar completamente magullada (soy patosa). Me encanta viajar y cuando tengo algo de dinero ahorrado y tiempo, me intento escapar.
- arts
- books
- design
- photography
- dancing
- clubbing
- tv
- traveling
- music
- logic
- tourism
Morceaux de musique, films et livres
Film lost in translation,V de vendetta,Sound of music
Actor Tom hanks, Kevin spacey, ewan mc gregor
Actress susan sarandon,nicole kidman
TV Show Heroes,TLW,House,Sugar Rush,Q asco de casa!,flashforward
Une aventure extraordinaire que j'ai vécue
A born in the museum that I work.Was incredible!!!
Enseignez, apprenez, partagez
Learn to do many things
Search a job arround the world
Listening music free
learning from others
Pays que j'ai visités
Canada, France, Iceland, Netherlands, Spain, United States
Pays dans lesquels j'ai vécu
Germany, Spain, United Kingdom
Badges à l'ancienne
1 Recommander