Blake  Arbour's Photo

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  • 92% response rate
  • Last login 4 days ago

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  • 36 references 27 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning French, Portuguese, Sign Language - Spanish, Vietnamese
  • 38, Male
  • Member since 2011
  • Trotamundos/consultas de viaje/Vagabond/Student/entrepren...
  • Haphazardly, I have scars and papers to prove what I know...
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Riding to every country in the world on my trusty motorcycle, Lost.

Succumb to my wanderlust and make the most of challenges, food, people and adventures on the way.

Viajar a cada país del mundo en mi moto, La Perdida.
Wanderlust no se traduce al español así que digamos que soy un andariego sin rescate y en mis viajes quiero entender al mundo de primera mano y hacer muchos amigos!


You might find me if you wander through an accidentally unlocked door to a rooftop or tunnel, or climb up a dangerous cliff. Alternatively I might be found sitting in a cafe or food dive enjoying some delectable treats. Or you can check the streets at night, either wandering taking photos looking up and around, or carousing to the next booze depository.

If there's a chance to enjoy or appreciate something, or a challenge to defeat, that's the place for me. Action/satisfaction mixed with some hedonistic indulgence is my modus operandi; I hope to meet many interesting people along the way. If you're gonna send a request mention garlic monkeys.

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Me encontraran al lado de la carreterra ayudando estranjeros con problemas como a mi me han ayudado en el camino. O quizas en una cantina disfrutando el orgullo del paiz en cual me encuentro, disfrutando las especialidades gastronimicas. Igualmente probable es que este tomando fotos desde alguna altura - mirando para arriba en cualquier cuidad o barranco me pueden ver buscando nuevas cimas para conquistar.

Vivir es ser rebelde para mi - rebelde contra las expectaciones de sociedad, sus perspectivos y supuestos antiquados. Mas que todo contra la idea de vivir en el miedo de perder - mi unico miedo es no perder suficiente, llegar al fin del camino y aprender que no aproveche de todo lo que pude y ahora mi libertad en esta tierra se hecho a perder.


Covered in what I do, but generally to live well.

Vivir bien y no estar estancado en una sola filosofia.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


Travelling the world! Sharing the adventure, and once I settle, should such an unlikely event occur, hosting other travellers that I may continue to live vicariously through them.

Viajo! Si algun dia tenga oportunidad de ofrecer un techo a cualquiera, con gusto, y por ahora les ofresco a todos compartir con mi el mas alto y hermoso techo estrellado bajo cual duermo tranquilmente cuando puedo.


I have met some incredible people, done things I never would have guessed, and learned more than I could have imagined. Can't wait for the next town.

No cabe en esta cajita - ha sido increible, gracias a toda la gente quien he conocido en la ruta.


1. Strangeness and contrast, then:

exploration (&urban)
the ladies

Order dependent on the stars

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Lo extraño/contrastes
exploracion (&urbana)

No necesariamente en ese orden

  • arts
  • writing
  • photography
  • dining
  • cooking
  • recipes
  • traveling
  • music
  • rock climbing
  • sustainability
  • contact improvisation
  • farming
  • psychedelics

Music, Movies, and Books

Anais Mitchell (hadestown), León gieco, eDit, emancipator

Let Me In, cloud atlas, pi, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the princess bride, the constant gardener,

Walden, the wayfinders, lo que sea de Cortázar and Herman Hesse, breaking open the head

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Forged my motorcycle skills in the crucible of Saigon traffic and made my way alive (so far) 1500 km to the North deking more oncoming homicidal traffic than I can recount. Eight years later it’s transformed my life into a worldwide motorcycle adventure journey.

Aprendi a conducir moto en el trafico homicidal de Saigon y llegue los 1500 km al norte contra todo tipo de adversidad. Y hasta hora he llegado a la punta de Argentina desde Canada de manera similar, cuando lees esto es bien probable que ya seguí el viaje.

Teach, Learn, Share

English Spanish and some French

I will share recipes and food, and want to learn your favourite foods and songs and things I didn't know I wanted to learn from you.

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Parkour; flauta de mano; escritura, ingles y frances, y fotografia.

Quiero compartir comida y recetas, y aprender de ustedes todo lo que ni sabia que tenian para compartir aunque solamente sea el numero de moleculas en el fondillo de Leonard Nimoy

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, Cambodia, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, El Salvador, France, Greece, Guatemala, Honduras, Laos, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, South Korea, Thailand, United States, Uruguay, Viet Nam

Countries I’ve Lived In

Argentina, Canada, Costa Rica, Guatemala

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