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  • 1 reference
  • Fluent in English, Portuguese; learning German, Spanish
  • Unspecified age, Male
  • Member since 2005
  • Student
  • 3º degree almost completed
  • From Santos
  • Profile 75% complete

About Me


I just want to enjoy life! For now, I want to travel a lot and meet different people and culture from all over the world, but after all, always getting back to Brazil!


Wow!! All about me? It´s a lot!!!
Let´s see... I´m living in Amberg now, doing a practical training (kind like a exchange program), for the last two months, but until June 10. After that I´m gonna start a trip around Europe, Begining in Prague, heading to Amsterdam, and the most famous cities of Europe, and finishing in Zurich. Then I get back to Brazil (I miss it so much!). I´m gonna graduate in Food Engineering in the middle of the year, than I don´t know what I´m gonna do next. Since my family ins so unite, that´s what I want for me: A great family, like I had. Wanna marry my girlfriend and have 2 kids. About what I like, you can read my interests....


"My life is what I choose to do, and if it´s causing no harm, it shoudn´t bother you. Your life it´s what you choose to be, and if it´s causing no harm you´re all right with me"


I like:
To live;
To enjoy my friends and family;
To ride my bike;
Have a beer;
Be with my girlfriend;
My coutry (wonderfull place to live!);
Play tennis;
Meet new places;
Meet new people;
To laugh (a lot);
To talk;
To listen;
To help;
To live!
I guess that´s all I can remember for now....

  • culture
  • dining
  • beer
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • tennis
  • engineering

Music, Movies, and Books

There are so many!!!
Most of the books are brazillian, like:
"O Homem que matou Getulio Vargas", "Cidade de Deus" (City of God), "Carandiru", all from Luis Fernando Veríssimo, etc...
I like a lot the Harry Potter series, and Dan Brown´s Books (You should read "Angels and Demons"), and The Lord of the Rings.
As for the Movies, my favorites are "Maverick", with Mel Gibson, "Snatch", with a lot of great actors, "Kill Bill" (both, but specially vol. 2), also "City of God", "The Godfather", and I want so much to see "Hotel Rwanda".
Music, mostly all kinds. But I´m listening more to Ben Harper (Walk away is awesome), Jack Johnson, Donavon Frankenreiter and always Bob Marley. That song from Limp Bizkit, from Mission Impossibel, has a great message!

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