Brahim TAFZA's Photo

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Accepting Guests

  • Last login 9 months ago

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  • 0 references
  • Fluent in Arabic, English, French; learning German, Japanese, Spanish
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2023
  • No occupation listed
  • No education listed
  • From Casablanca Prefecture, Casablanca-Settat, Morocco
  • Profile 65% complete

About Me

"Hey there! I'm BRAHIM from morroco , and I'm thrilled to be a part of the vibrant Couchsurfing community. Brace yourself for an extraordinary journey, as I'm a wanderlust-driven explorer who lives for thrilling encounters and cultural immersion.

With an insatiable appetite for adventure, I've traversed the globe, leaving footprints in countless countries. Each step I take unravels the hidden gems and awe-inspiring wonders that make our world so captivating.

Passionate about embracing diversity, my doors are wide open to fellow wanderers from every corner of the globe. Through cultural exchange and mutual respect, we'll forge lasting connections and create unforgettable memories. Let's break down barriers, demolish stereotypes, and build bridges that transcend borders.

Adventure awaits, so let's embark on this extraordinary journey together!"

Feel free to further personalize this text to reflect your own unique personality and experiences. Best of luck with your Couchsurfing adventures!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

1. Cultural Exchange

2. Budget-Friendly Travel

3. Building Connections

4. Authentic Experiences

5. Paying It Forward


1. Outdoor Activities: If you enjoy hiking, camping, or exploring nature, you can share your love for outdoor adventures with your hosts. Talk about your favorite hiking trails, national parks you've visited, or any exciting outdoor activities you've tried.

2. Photography: If you have an interest in photography, share your passion with your hosts. Discuss your favorite subjects to photograph, different techniques you use, or even offer to take some photos during your stay.

3. Music: Talk about your favorite music genres, bands, or concerts you've attended. If you play any musical instruments, mention it and perhaps offer to play some tunes for your hosts if they are interested.

4. Food and Cooking: Share your culinary interests and experiences. Discuss your favorite cuisines, unique recipes you've tried, or any food-related adventures you've had during your travels. You can even offer to cook a meal for your hosts, showcasing your cooking skills.

5. Art and Culture: If you have a passion for art, talk about your favorite artists, art styles, or museums you've visited. Discuss any art-related projects or creative endeavors you've been involved in.

6. Sports: If you're a sports enthusiast, share your favorite sports and teams. Talk about memorable sports events you've witnessed or even participate in friendly sports activities with your hosts if the opportunity arises.

  • culture
  • festivals
  • dancing
  • dining
  • drinking
  • traveling
  • music
  • outdoor activities
  • hiking
  • sports
  • swimming
  • beaches
  • food
  • fun
  • driving
  • discovering new places
  • networking
  • horsing

Music, Movies, and Books

“Pirates of the Caribbean”

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Get ready for an extraordinary adventure that took me to the majestic lands of Senegal, where I had an unforgettable encounter with the kings of the savannah: lions.

Imagine the raw, untamed beauty of the African wilderness, where the golden grasses sway under the vast African sky. In the heart of a renowned national park, I found myself in the presence of these awe-inspiring creatures.

Under the guidance of expert local trackers, I embarked on thrilling game drives, traversing the rugged terrain in search of these elusive felines. Patiently, we waited, our hearts pounding with anticipation, until suddenly, a roar echoed through the air.

As the sun began to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and gold, we spotted a pride of lions basking in their regal glory. It was a breathtaking sight—a true marvel of nature. From a safe distance, I observed their grace, power, and the intricate dynamics of their social structure.

Over the course of my stay, I immersed myself in the world of lions, learning about their behavior, conservation efforts, and the importance of preserving their natural habitat. I had the privilege of engaging with passionate wildlife experts who shared their knowledge and deep reverence for these magnificent creatures.

Teach, Learn, Share

1. Teaching:
- As a Couchsurfing host, I can teach my guests about the local culture, traditions, and history of my city or country.
- I can offer cooking classes, teaching my guests how to prepare traditional dishes from my culture.
- If I'm knowledgeable about a particular hobby or skill, such as playing a musical instrument or practicing yoga, I can offer lessons or workshops to my Couchsurfing guests.

2. Learning:
- As a Couchsurfing guest, I can learn new languages or improve my language skills by engaging in conversations with my hosts.
- I can learn about the local customs and traditions by participating in cultural events or festivals with my Couchsurfing hosts.
- I can learn about sustainable living practices or eco-friendly initiatives from environmentally-conscious hosts.

3. Sharing:
- I can share my travel experiences and recommendations with my Couchsurfing hosts and guests, helping them discover hidden gems and unique attractions in different destinations.
- I can share my passion for photography by capturing beautiful moments and sharing the photos with my Couchsurfing community.
- I can share my musical talents by performing or organizing a jam session with my Couchsurfing hosts and fellow travelers.

What I Can Share with Hosts

1. Cultural Exchange: Share insights and information about your own culture, traditions, and customs. Discuss topics such as festivals, cuisine, language, or traditional practices, allowing your hosts to learn more about your background.

2. Travel Stories: Share your travel experiences, adventures, and anecdotes with your hosts. Talk about memorable moments, interesting encounters, or unique destinations you have visited. It can spark engaging conversations and inspire further exploration.

3. Skills and Talents: If you have any specific skills or talents, such as playing a musical instrument, cooking a traditional dish, or practicing a certain craft, offer to share your expertise with your hosts. It can be a fun and interactive way to bond and create lasting memories.

4. Language Exchange: If you speak a different language than your host, offer to help them practice or learn phrases and words in your native language. Likewise, you can express your interest in learning their language and seek opportunities to practice together.

5. Gifts or Souvenirs: Consider bringing small gifts or souvenirs from your home country or previous travels as a token of appreciation for your hosts' hospitality. It can be something representative of your culture or a thoughtful item that you believe they might enjoy.

To make a happy night during your Couchsurfing experience, here are a few suggestions:

6. Plan a Fun Activity: Organize a game night with your hosts and other Couchsurfing guests. Play board games, card games, or charades to create a lively and enjoyable atmosphere.

7. Cook and Share a Meal: Prepare a delicious meal together with your hosts. Collaborate on a menu, share cooking duties, and enjoy a cozy dinner while exchanging stories and laughter.

8. Movie Night: Set up a movie night with your hosts, complete with popcorn and snacks. Choose a film that everyone can enjoy and create a cozy ambiance for a relaxing evening.

9. Explore Local Nightlife: Check out local bars, live music venues, or clubs with your hosts. Experience the vibrant nightlife of the city and dance the night away to create lasting memories.

10. Share Music and Dance: Share your favorite music playlists or introduce your hosts to music from your culture. Have a mini dance party where everyone can let loose and enjoy the rhythm.

11. Outdoor Activities: If the weather permits, organize a nighttime picnic or stargazing session in a park or scenic spot. Enjoy the tranquility of the night, share stories under the stars, and create a peaceful and memorable experience.

Countries I’ve Visited

Egypt, Germany, Kenya, Morocco, Qatar, Romania, Senegal, Tunisia, Turkey, Zimbabwe

Countries I’ve Lived In

Kenya, Morocco, Senegal

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