Brian Cho's Photo

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  • 60% response rate
  • Last login 29 days ago

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  • 3 references 3 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, Spanish
  • 33, Male
  • Member since 2018
  • Commercial Planning
  • Master in Marketing
  • From Quito, Pichincha, Ecuador
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

World Citizen | Amateur cooker | Minimalist | Salsa Lover

Soy un coleccionista de historias a través de distintos viajes, descubrimientos, la gastronomía y el baile. Tengo una gran curiosidad por descubrir nuevas culturas y con ello, una perspectiva de vida diferente. Mi paladar está abierto a probar cualquier plato para saborear la historia de una región a través de su gastronomía. Soy fiel creyente en que la verdadera alegría, está en descubrir algo nuevo con el asombro de un niño pequeño. Finalmente, mi pasión es la Salsa, me encanta su historia, su cultura y su energía. Si estás en Ibarra, siéntete en la confianza de escribirme para brindarte un espacio acogedor en mi departamento, y depende mi agenda, ayudarte a conocer más de esta hermosa ciudad.

I love to collect stories around the world by: traveling, discovering, eating and dancing. I do believe happiness come from our capacity to feel amazed about the smallest things we can discover in a conversation, listening to music, reading a book or just taking a walk. I have to say it, Salsa is my definition of happiness because at the same time I love listening to it, there is no such feeling like a body talk through dancing. If you are in Ibarra, please feel free to send me a message to give you a night or two in my appartment. Depends on my agenda, I could help you introducing you the most lovely places in town.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Para compartir y aprender.

To share and learn.


  • culture
  • music festivals
  • salsa dancing
  • music
  • marketing

Music, Movies, and Books

Jazz, Rythm and Blues, Salsa, Instrumental, Indie.

Teach, Learn, Share

I like learning from others culture, as well as I can teach others about mine. Life is a constant process of learning, in which we must be open to get and give new things.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Language, culture insights, travel experiences, local gastronomie

Countries I’ve Visited

Belgium, Brazil, Colombia, Dominican Republic, France, Luxembourg, Peru, Puerto Rico, Switzerland, United States

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