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  • 6 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning German
  • 34, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Full time backpacker
  • Electrician
  • From Mooloolaba, Queensland, Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


recovering from the best Experience of my life


G'day my fellow couch surfers, Im Bryce from that big beautiful island somewhere down in the southern Pacific ocean ( well thats debatable )
but hey im from the east coast so close enough.

Just got back from my own awesome backpacking adventure in Europe only a few weeks ago so life quite slow for me at the moment.
But what an awesome experience and couchsurfing sure helped me along the way.
so a little about me ay. well im 23 and last year i left my job, sold all my toys, put on a backpack and went to Europe, why?! well i was curious,
i had never seen buildings over 200 years old, i hadn't even been in a country that didnt speak english as there first language, so i wanted to experience all of that.
now that im back i know i experienced that and much much more! i had the time of my life, a real experience that some people only dream about. and cause you all are mostly travellers like myself you all know what i mean. but sadly after 9months like all good things it came to an end. ( my bank account forced me)

But now I'm starting fresh, new job, new place to live, but most importantly a new experience.
Thats what I'm addicted to i think, looking to always have a new experience and couchsurfing offers exactly that. I love it and hopefully your my next new and exciting experience.


my personal philosophy is to take each day as it comes, tackle each problem as it surfaces and dont think to far in the future as you never know if tomorrow may be your last.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


When i first heard about this i was sceptical, like everyone else but after having such a good experience the first time be became addicted, not only for being able to stay in peoples house but for the activities and groups, they are just as much fun and experiencing, when ever i could i would go along to the groups whether it was just a beer at the pub or ice skating in Budapest i found this was just as experiencing as borrowing someones couch for a few days.

But most importantly it was fun and rewarding, thats why we travel right.


my interest are

Travelling OF COURSE!!
sport ( especially being Australian)
surfing , snowboarding , wakeboarding
socialising with friends and new people.

  • beer
  • pub crawls
  • traveling
  • cycling
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • snowboarding
  • wakeboarding
  • sports

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Hitched hiked on a moto bike to get to the next city in Southern Turkey

snowbaording in the Austrian Alps

Tackling Europe with just a backpack

Countries I’ve Visited

Fiji, New Zealand, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Austria, Italy

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