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  • 5 评语 1 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Afrikaans, English, German; 正在学习 Italian
  • 33, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2014
  • Theater Teacher! :)
  • Bachelor of Arts Degree in Theatre
  • 来自Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa
  • 个人主页已完成 100%


Species: Homo Sapien
Age: 28 Years.
Height: 1.86 Centimetres
Weight: 75kg
BMI: 22.68
Resting Heart Rate: 65BPM
BloodPressure: 120mmHG/80mmHG
IQ:117 Wechsler Classification
Hair: LightBrown
Eye: Blue/Grey
Languages: German/English/Afrikaans
Full Name: Cagn Teboho James Joachim Cochrane
ID Number: L92W98ZF9
Nationality: German/South African
Date of Birth: 05.02.1991
Place of Birth: Pietermaritzburg, South Africa.
Job: Theater Teacher.


-- I hit a shark by accident, then screamed and swam away.

-- I once dreamt of becoming an artist and I got at least half way there :P
I got at least a 1/4 of the way through to becoming a magician..I mean a musician sorry.

-- I slept on a bench in Split for two days trying to avoid drunk British people and police.

-- I was once so hungry, I turned green.

--I once spontaneously got a certificate as a 'visual therapist' by arranging seaweed and talking about it during a two day course at the B&B I was staying.

-- I once quoted Shakespeare in a fencing competition

--Speaking of competitions: I'm so bad at swimming that I swam the wrong way doing backstroke once

-- My friend and I once slept in a 24 Party Hostel for 4 Euro that was above a techno dance floor for two days.

--This is all because we hitchhiked across the Balkans

-- I have an impressively long list of near death experiences

--My only furniture is [was-(sad)] a ladder called Steve (and yes he was pretty amazing)

-- I've written almost a hundred short stories ( and still haven't published any of them - I am profoundly untalented) -- that said, sometimes I read what I write for a laugh. (win win)

-- I once lit my whole room only with candlelight ...oh wait I still do that.

-- I somehow managed to visit every city in Italy - (seriously, try me)

-- I've had my teddy from Moscow since I was 11 and he travels with his head out of my bag (for air)

-- Even though I'm not English I make a really good English Breakfast

--Byron is my hero, though I don't think he should be anyone's hero, let's be honest.

-- I'm convinced I'm going to die the same age as Keats....oh crap, that's happened already.

--I once had 9 Gold Medals for Ballroom Dancing and I threw them away in a fit of blind rage

--I once blindfolded myself for two days to see what it might be like to be blind.. I only got bruises

--I once took a vow of silence for a week at high school until I got detention

--My friends and I once walked into a video store in nothing but towels asking to see their surfboards...on a similar note I also once asked a cashier for her personal recommendation on which condoms to buy.

--I once tried to make Monty Python and the Holy Grail into a play at school - our budget was so low, I had to make the sound effects of the wind and we didn't even have coconuts.

--Speaking of Plays - I once got to direct "The Trojan women" and I set in space (I was one of the few people who thought it was cool)

--I once walked down long-street in Cape Town, in stiletto's and fishnet stockings dressed as Frankenfurter from Rocky Horror Picture show

--Once my friend and I sang opera into a microphone to wake up our neighbors.

--For two weeks when I was a teenager, I tried to become a beat-boxer (a small remnant of those skills remain, but I think I'm the only one who thinks that's cool)

--When I was younger, I almost overdosed on Nesquick chocolate milk by filling a Salad bowl with it.

--I have a long list of absolutely insane things I've accidentally put in the microwave (this stands very close to my list of near deaths)

--I once threw an entire dish of lasagna at a friend...and we're still friends.

--I used to have a weird car that made me have to change its tire every few hundred kilometers...I became a tire changing athlete.

--I once had to DM my own game of Dungeons and Dragons and played all four characters myself

--I actually own The game of Game of Thrones the Board Game -and its awesome.
(It also earned me the name Cagn the Betrayer)

--I once loved a pair of shoes so much, when I lost the one (don't ask how) I still walked around in University with just the other shoe for days

-- Other shoe losses include: the one time a girl threw all my shoes into a river ( I may or may not have deserved this) and that one time between the border of Bosnia and Croatia where my shoes just disintegrated on my feet - we buried them and moved on.

--I have(had) a pair of colorful mushroom socks.

--I used to own a Spanish dancing dress which I hid under my bed, along with my two suitcases full of play-mobiles.

--I once went to the gym at 3AM (I felt very cool, but then I had nap on the bench-press)

--My friend and I once managed to spend from before sunrise to after sunset at the beach building a sandcastle and two thrones to sit on to survey our Empire.

--I was a ranger at Afrikaburn for 9 days and the HQ was called the Tortoise.

--I once climbed up a waterfall and fell to my near death (and I still have the scar)

--My friend and I managed to get to 300 hits in a game of Beach Bats..I don't know if that's good or not, but it took us a whole summer of practice.

--I once spent so long trying to learn how to slack-line that that night my dreams started wobbling.

--I've invented a language that can be learned in 3 days. ( I forgot how it goes now) Then again I once got negative 2 percent for a maths test -so let's keep things in perspective.

--I spent far too much of my life trying to sound like Andrea Botticelli

--I used to take a blanket to my University exams - I've also owned a pipe for most of my adult life but I only use it to think.

--I've spent a night in the most beautiful place on earth and I'm holding to that statement: It's called Gaiola Napoli

--In a strange period of my life I was a Makeup Artist for 6 months - I have seen things that cannot be unseen.

--I traveled to North America from East to West, Boston to California for a year with my family when I was 11.

--I've spat from the Eiffel Tower and other high buildings of note over the years...sorry, tradition is tradition.

--I used to be part of a Dragon Boating Team called the Tsunami Dragons.

--I was once so obsessed with handstands I could do them walking up stairs...well actually just one step.

--When were kids we used to play survivor..but it was boring because we all survived.

--Because I couldn't keep any flower alive, I got a baby cactus and it too tragically died, since then I've given up gardening.

--I once used a whiffle-bat to play Star Wars in the snow for a whole day - I pretended I was the Yellow-Light-saber wielding New Hope - That same day I got caught riding my play-mobile horses through someone else snow filled garden.

-- I kissed a girl at exactly midnight in Rome and fireworks went off - I pretended I had planned it all ;)

--I lived in an small Xhosa Village for a month and got the honor of eating a sheep's testicles on Easter.

--I once spent a night in the most random Bosnian village and months later when I met someone who said they came from a village no one would never know, I got to blow their minds by talking them about their relatives.

--I used to practice Tuvan Throat singing in the privacy of my car.

--I once won a bottle of Southern Comfort playing volleyball which I swapped for a towel, because I needed a blanket.

--I bought a sword for 15 dollars when I was 11 then 7 years later, played Othello in front of my High School and the Principle of the School had to interrupt Desdemona's death scene because I had an actual sword in my hands.

--My first band had over 20 band names and we never produced song.

--I still have a sound cloud account and I'm still waiting for my award for Worst Music in History.

--I have a Complete Illustrated Works of Shakespeare that's the size of a small dog.

--I have 14 1/2 days of music on my ipod and I have listened to it all.

--I once seriously considered whether I could be payed to be a professional Flaneur. When I say I like long walks on the beach - I mean loooooooong walks.

-- I used to wear so many bells in my hair that my roommates could tell when I was coming home.

-- I once had two piercing in one eyebrow.

-- I've never had the patience to grow a long beard, so I secretly plan to go to Antarctica one day, live in six months of darkness and do that.

--I once woke up in a field full of wild Berlin of all places.

-- My favorite song is the Gelfling Song from The Dark Crystal - which begs the question: Why oh why do I not have an ocarina?

-- I did all the Night Clubbing any person needs to do in one lifetime in 3 months of winter in Leipzig.

-- I once got lost on day two in a 5 day hike, in a forest which literally had rogue Elephants in it.

-- I once locked myself in a windowless bedroom for a week to write an essay on Immanuel Kant and his aesthetics - and I still failed.

-- I have a coat with a velvet collar that I call my Darcy coat

-- I (had) The Little Prince in five different languages.

--I almost died of dehydration in the ruins of Ephesus, because the water was too expensive. (The literal definition of Tourist Trap)

-My most politically incorrect game is to dress up in my Bedouin scarf and pretend I'm Laurence of Arabia...actually correction: It's when I pretend that the people around me are from the Star Wars Cantina scene

-On other news: I had to be Hermione Granger for a kids party once.

-I once spent a whole day chasing sheep across a farm until at some point the power dynamics changed and they chased me. (I'm dead serious)

-I nearly got bitten by a puff-adder on 4 different occasions in my life - I also ran past a rearing cobra once and had a boom-slang in my garden and a mole snake in my room...the emotional scars are deep.

-I also once woke up to find a Hyena staring at me (and you know they have creepy smiles) Another time a Bear was lying on my tent.

-I once made the mistake of trying to exit casually after someone smacked a hornets nest. (On the plus side I found out that nothing can kill me)

-I led a Magic Wand making class in Italy.

-I tried to call the wind twice in my life: Once after watching Pocahontas the other time after reading Patrick Rothfuss.

-On a similar note I used to try channel saidan to blast things that annoyed me with balefire and make sure they never existed in the first place (use magic responsibly)

-I spend way to many hours trying to imagine Octarine

--I used my cricket pads for dressing up as a Knight more often than I used them to play cricket.

--I used to treat 'Rome Total War' as a valid historical source for University Essays

--I've also quoted Baldur's Gate more than is healthy in everything I've ever said or written.

-And a part of my mind always worries about Sandworms when I cross...sand.

-I once had a man ask me if South Africa was in Jamaica (?)

-I can draw the entire world on a map but I can't find my way around the dentists.
(I sometimes use google maps to find my home)

-I sometimes sing to attract fairies.

-I once rode a horse through the Colorado Rockies called Big John, and he wasn't named ironically.

-I once realized that I had walked more than a mile in my friends shoes and when I got home I judged him.

-The first time I smoked cigarettes: My friend and I smoked 3 packs in one night - it was also the last time I smoked cigarettes.

-Another friend and I managed to sing 'There's a hole in my Bucket' song till the end 8 times in a row.

-When it comes to my suggestions at 'youtube' parties I can only ever think of 'Baby Monkey riding backwards on a pig'

-I keep managing to impress people with the Banana trick from 'The Dreamers'

- I had a summer where my primary hobby was Fire-Poi'ing to Dubstep.

- I once had to dress up as Elvis and sing "My Darling Teddy Bear" for a paying audience.

--I actually fell into a pot of glitter once, no kidding - to be fair it was a small pot.

- Got rid of all the paper in my life - still had pens though.

- Distributed colorful rubber ducks to all my friends and tiny wooden washing hangers to all my strangers.

- Walked aprox. 100k's in &around and across Berlin in 3days and now I have a 3D map of the city in my brain.

- Once had a big room but no furniture so I turned it into a mini film studio.

- Spent five days by a lake in Norway living next to a fireplace and came inches away from heaven on earth.

- My roomie and I started doing push ups everytime one of us said something intellectual.

- Lived and worked in a bar...sorry I mean bathtub for a few months (that's correct: inside a bathtub)

- Had four different Prosecco Parties one day -- was no longer civilized at the end.

- Went pub crawling with from the office (my office was a Theatre) with a bag of costumes which included not least an entire Unicorn head.

- Randomly had a 90minute 90's party in the kitchen with flatmates on a mundane monday.

- Invented the ironing chair -- t'is a chair to sit on while you iron.

- found out I could boil water at 60degrees on my kettle and it changed my life.

- Used to be colorful now I wear almost only grey all 50 shades of it.

- Have been accused of being a nihilist a few hundred times, but then again I've been accused of being pretty much everything.

- Still have not created the perfect meal plan -- have tried for 10 years.

- Spent a whole day in a pancake house without ordering pancakes.

- Wrote a book printed it out in font sized 8 and threw it away. Sorry trees.

- Spent a time drawing many Karl Marx next to a Giraffe pictures and giving them as Christmas presents.

- Adopted a Swan boat shaped as a penis -- called it a Sweanis.

- Accidentally walked into a Zoo looking for a hostel and my brain backfired when I saw a leopard in front of me.

- Found out my biography looks strangely like Wittgenstein's, but I'm not Wittgenstein...hmmm?


"I have accepted fear as a part of life – specifically the fear of change…. I have gone ahead despite the pounding in the heart that says: turn back. - Don't ever let fear turn you against your playful heart."


Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lesotho, Serbia, Slovenia, South Africa, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States


Germany, Italy, South Africa, United States

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