Fotos von Calvinson Cheng

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor etwa 2 Jahre

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  • 0 Referenzen
  • Spricht fließend Chinese, English, French
  • 35, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2010
  • last year student
  • undergrads
  • Profil zu 70 % vollständig

Über mich


Te prennez dans un sac, alors. Allez et traversez, la vie.


Hi ya'll! My name is Calvin, Ima Chinese-Canadian who is currently attending college in Ohio. Since i m raised tri-lingual, i mastered in ENGLISH, FRENCH, and CHINESE. Also, as a chinese, i love to cook(but definitely no cats or dogs haha). Im super outgoing but laid back, super festive but not crazy, super loving life but not wasting time! I hope if you are planning to come to China(BEIJING, TIANJIN) or OHIO(ATHENS) one day, you ll have me be your host!

Salut touts, je mappelle Calvin et je suis un CHINOI-CANADIEN qui essayais de complir mon echole dans OHIO. Je suis grandi par un milieu de troislangue. Je suis courant en ANGLAIS, FRANCAIS et CHINOIS. comme un chinois typique que j aime faire la cuisine(absolument pas chien ou chat haha) je suis sympa mais pas dingue. J adore ma vie ca cest un grand chose pour moi que je vais pas gaspiller mon temp. Si tu planifie de visiter mes ville, la CHINE(PEKIN, TSIENSIN) ou LES EU(ATHENS,OHIO) m'envoyez un texto que je suis plus de content d'offrir un place pour dodo. Merci.


je pense donc je suis.

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


havent participate any yet.




-I play Saxophone, Piano, Cello and Violin.
got accredited with the highest level certificate on Saxophone and level V for Piano in China in 2011. Im a totally amateur on Cello and Violin. I learned cello since 2009 and Violin since 2004.

-I paint on canvas.
Never had personal exhibition, but i paint for fun. I paint lots of victorian style floral work for my grandma.

-I make cemaric/porcelain containers.
They are mostly bowls, mugs, sometimes teapot or vase etc.
Recently started to work on my personal dinner set, as an anniversary gift for my parents. I use clay, barely porcelain.

-I took pictures. A lots of pictures.
I took all kinds of picture. I have a sweet SLR, it was 5 years ago when my mom first bought it for me. Love it. I help my friend took engagement pics and wedding pics, peacial event pics etc.

For viewing all my works, please add me on facebook.

  • cats
  • dogs
  • cooking
  • painting
  • piano
  • violin

Musik, Filme und Bücher

les jeux sont fait---satre
le nozze de figaro---maupassant
les mis---victor hugo

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

-I feel like i am awesome all the time.

Lehren, lernen, teilen

i taught French at an elementary school for a year. but it tuned out that those 9 year olds are even smarter than i am so i decided to quit.

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Austria, China, Germany, Maldives, Mauritius, United Arab Emirates, United States

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Australia, Canada, China, France, United States

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