Fotos de Carlos Rosales Vera

Perfil no verificado

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  • Documento de identidad no verificado

Puede aceptar invitados

  • Última conexión hace casi 6 años

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  • 3 recomendaciones 2 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien Spanish; está aprendiendo English, German
  • 30, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2018
  • I'm a lawyer and polo player
  • I studied law at the University of Tucumán, Argentina
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí

I'm Carlos, I graduated as a lawyer in November 2017... in 2012 i was exchange student in Hamburg, Germany. I knew almost all of Western Europe. Today I want to continue traveling and meeting people from all over the world. I want to live new experiences with couchsurfing!!

I play polo so I have 1 handicaps... and i played many places!!

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing

I want to know new places and meet new people from all over the world. I had a very nice experience in Europe... I was exchange student in Germany!! The best memories of my experience are not places, they are the people that I knew.


Couchsurfing is very nice because you can meet with new people and offer my help and they offer me too

Enseña, aprende, comparte

I like meet with new people and learn about their life and experience.
I like speak about life and drink bier!!
I like play soccer with my friends and make a good Asado typical of Argentina

Países que he visitado

Austria, Belgium, Czech Republic, England, France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Spain, Switzerland

Países en los que he vivido

Argentina, Germany

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