Chaim Cohen的照片


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  • 29 评语 27 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 English, French, Hebrew (modern), Italian
  • 70, 其他
  • 成为会员的时间:2011
  • Peace Activist, Workshop facilitator
  • Graduate Degree
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 95%



To cultivate compassion, love and kindness. These things are very useful in our daily life, and also for the whole of human society these practices can be very important. To empower a critical mass of peace consciousness in the world that will offer creative solutions to resolve conflicts and to address social injustice, ecological imbalance, and economic disparities.


Trained as a developmental neuropsychologist. Involved in many initiatives to promote peace and reconciliation.


I believe in Compassion, Love and Peace. I define compassion as the wish for another being to be free from suffering; love is wanting them to have happiness. I feel that we need to dig beneath the surface if we wish to realize the human potential for peaceful behavior and celebrate the most worthy kinds of humanity residing within us. One path leading in this direction is to cultivate compassion.
My sense is that compassionate people are kind, generous, helpful, understanding and accepting. They give of themselves not out of weakness, but from a position of inner strength. Compassion is a virtue in that it is a disposition we ought to have; and that in order to have it, we need to act compassionately on a regular basis.

Compassion is the source of acts of kindness or benevolence – those behaviors that surpass the limits of ego and begin to relate us to the world as an arena of serious concern. A compassionate mind-state opens us to appreciating the other as a person with needs, desires and interests. The compassionate individual may well engage in self-sacrificing acts; but these should not be confused with deeds that show disregard of, or neglect for, one’s own safety or personal welfare, nor with lack of self-love, or considering others only and never oneself. Compassionate behavior may sometimes require putting some of one’s own needs, desires and interests on hold. Compassion signifies being able to stand in someone else’s shoes, see the world from her or his perspective, understand how others feel and why, regard the good of others as of the same value and importance as one’s own, plus having the drive to help realize this good, even in the face of adversity.

My weekly schedule is:

Sunday : Being for Peace
Monday : Thinking for Peace
Tuesday : Feeling for Peace
Wednesday : Speaking for Peace
Thursday : Acting for Peace
Friday : Creating for Peace
Saturday : Sharing for Peace

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


Sharing consciousness with other people. When people share time and space they share consciousness. Couchsurfing is a noble opportunity for gathering together for sharing the truth of who/what/why we are Truth is what is real, what exists. Couchsurfing increases our experience of the Truth, it opens ours Heart and quiets our minds. Couchsurfing diminishes our fears, our judgments and everything that limits or narrows our experience of the Truth. Couchsurfers are all equally endowed with this capacity to share the Truth. Couchsurfers and CouchHosts embrace together our true nature in a hospitable, aware and loving space.


Have been couch surfing throughout the world, and many have stayed with us.


Mt. Climbing, Meditation, Yoga, Swimming, Bicycling, Art, Nature Hikes


I adore all forms of music: I appreciate compositions by Johann Pachelbel, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Andrés Segovia Torres, Pinchas Cohen, Carole King, Céline Marie Claudette Dion, Peter Yarrow, Joan Chandos Baez and Judith Marjorie Collins.

Inspirational, uplifting and spiritual films and movies that offer true educational value.

I LOVE books. I mark them up in the margins, fold down corners, put post-it notes on pages I want to go back and stick things in so that I find them when I need them, write on the outside covers. That’s not disrespect; it’s a tribute to what the books are and can be. They are an integral part of my life, my home and my environment.


Born on the Planet


meditation, yoga, nature hikes, history, meditation


kindness, food, mercy, nature, empathy, long hikes, sympathy, yoga, consideration, meditation, internet, sheets, blankets, mattresses, humaneness, towels, guidance, mindfulness, compassion, benevolence, humanity


Belgium, Bulgaria, Canada, Egypt, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Jordan, Morocco, Netherlands, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States


France, Italy, Spain

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