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- Last login almost 14 years ago
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About Me
Love life
I am a fun-loving soul who takes each day as it comes and lives each day to the fullest. I am very happy at this point in my journey and finding ways to be happy in whatever circumstances life brings me. I am always seeking to better my life, the lives of those around me, and in turn better the world in which we live. I am an English teacher in Korea. I graduated from the University of Central Florida in May 2008 with a degree in Elementary Education. I'm planning to go to graduate school for Speech/Language Pathology. I grew up in Florida and had only been to Mexico before venturing on my journey to Korea. Now I've obviously seen Korea, and also visited Japan. I hope to see much more of the world in my lifetime. I love to travel. Some quotes I like to remind myself of are: "You never know how far you can go until you try!" "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams!" "Do not let what you cannot do interfere with what you can do!" * "Let your love flow outward through the universe, To its height, its depth, its broad extent, A limitless love, without hatred or enmity. Then as you stand or walk, Sit or lie down, As long as you are awake, Strive for this with a one-pointed mind; Your life will bring heaven to earth." ~Sutta Nipata
I love outdoors activities, especially anything having to do with the water. I taught swimming for 3 years in Florida. I enjoy camping, canoing, and hiking a lot. I love traveling and experiencing new cultures and perspectives.
Some likes and loves: I love adventure and exploring places I've never been (especially leaving the set path.) I love a sense of humor. I love the beach. I love campfires and gazing at the stars. I like to take time to stop, breathe, and take in the joys around me.
See above "All About You"
Why I’m on Couchsurfing
I've hosted a couple times and am hoping to do some surfing soon, too! Hosting is great- I love meeting fellow travellers and showing people around.
See above "All About You"
- books
- acting
- beauty
- education
- exercise
- reading
- traveling
- outdoor activities
- hiking
- camping
- surfing
- swimming
- teaching
- law
- philosophy
- beaches
Music, Movies, and Books
Too many of each! I read every genre, including children's literature (teacher here, duh!) I love music of just about every genre as well. Mostly I listen to classic rock, adult comtemporary, pop, dance, latino .....
Books I like: Wayne Dyer's "60 Days to Enlightenment" it is packed with great advice for life. I have read the Harry Potter series and the Inheritance cycle (Eragon, etc), and of course the books are way better than the movies. I enjoy fantasy a lot like Mercedes Lackey, Terri Pratchet (Discworld series), Anne McCaffrey (Pern), etc. Some favorite books as they come to mind at the momoent are James Rollins' Amazonia, Chinua Achebe's Things Fall Apart, David Weisner's Flotsam (it's a children's picture book, but totally awesome), The Great Gatsby by Scott Fitzgerald, The Giver by Louis Lowry, Philip Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy (The Golden Compass), Aldus Huxley's A Brave New World, the list goes on and on, and on. I read for fun and for knowledge.
One Amazing Thing I’ve Done
Only ONE!?! So many things, currently my amazing life involves teaching English in Korea and seein Asia!
Teach, Learn, Share
A note about leadership
I received a book for Christmas from my brother-in-law Joe that I have begun reading. It is titled "Wisdom of the Ages: 60 Days to Enlightenment" by Wayne W. Dyer. He quotes some great wisdom from long ago and then expounds upon it. I have only read 3 "days" worth - 3 quotes with their following essays. Each day has a different focus. I found this one particularly accurate and applicable to everyone's lives. Especially people in roles of leadership such as teachers, parents, role models, bosses, etc. This may be long, but please read it. I think it is excellent wisdom for all to apply.
True leaders
are hardly known to their followers.
Next after them are the leaders
the people know and admire;
after them, those they fear;
after them, those they despise.
To give no trust
is to get no trust.
When the work's done right,
with no fuss or boasting,
ordinary people say,
"Oh, we did it."
(Sixth Century B.C.)
Chinese philosopher Lao-tzu wrote the Tao Te Ching, which means The Way. It is the basis for the religious practice of Taoism.
I am frequently amazed at how many contemporary politicians refer to themselves as "leaders" by virtue of the fact that they hold public office. Historically it is clear that public office holders are seldom true leaders causing change. For instance, who were the leaders of the Renaissance? Were they the public office holders? Were the leaders the mayors, governors, and presidents of the European capitols? No indeed.
The leaders were the artists, writers, and musicians who listened to their hearts and souls and expressed what they heard, leading others to discover a resonating voice within themselves. Ultimately the entire world listened with a new awareness that was responsible for the triumph of human dignity over tyranny. True leaders are rarely the officials who are addressed by a title.
Consider what titles you are known by and how you attempt to live up to them. You may carry the title of mother or father, which is an awesome responsibility. When your advice is sought because the kids see you as a leader in the family, keep in mind that what you truly want them to be able to say is, "I did it myself," rather than give you credit. Seek to enhance your leadership qualities by being constantly alert to the mistake of thinking that your title makes you a leader. True leaders are not known by titles. It is ego that loves titles!
Helping others become leaders while exercising your own true leadership qualities means having to work hard at suspending ego's influence. True leaders enjoy the trust of others, which is very different from enjoying the perks and flattery and power that ego insists are the signs of being a leader. You need to give trust to others in order to receive that trust.
Notice the times that you are inclined to insist that others do it your way or take the highway. Lao-tzu tells us that the leader with this attitude is the least effective and most despised. Your leadership style may tend to create fear with statements like, "I'll punish you if you don't do it my way." Lao-tzu tells us that fear-based leaders are poorly qualified to genuinely lead. The leader whose motivation is to bask in admiration, according to Lao-tzu, is still not a master at leading. This style might say, "I'll give you a reward if you do it the way I want you to." The true leader acts in such a way as to be hardly known in the entire process. This leader offers trust, encouragement, and congratulations as others find their own way.
When our lawmakers tell us what we need, or use scare tactics to predict dire consequences, or attempt to get us to act out of admiration for their leadership, they are not true leaders. To qualify as true leaders they must silence themselves and hear the populace express, "Yes, we created this great economy ourselves."
And so it is with you also. To be a true leader in your own life, and in the lives of others, practice resisting the need to be recognized. Lead unobtrusively, offering trust whenever possible. Gently smile at your ego's desire to take credit and silently acknowledge your true leadership when you hear others say, "Oh, yes, we did that ourselves." Here are some suggestions for applying the wisdom of Lao-tzu:
* Before acting, stop and ask yourself if what you are about to say is going to creat hate, fear, admiration, or self-awareness. Choose to nurture self-awareness.
* Act on your desire to be a true leader by being a quietly effective as possible. Catch someone doing something right!
* Become aware that it is the ego part of you that is suggesting you are a failure. Rather than seeing yourself as a failure when no credit comes your way, remind yourself that you have succeeded as a leader, and good-naturedly let your ego know that this is the way to successful leadership. "
----Wayne W. Dyer, Wisdom of the Ages: 60 Days to Enlightenment. 1998. Quill: An Imprint of Harper Collins Publishers.
Countries I’ve Visited
Japan, Mexico
Countries I’ve Lived In
South Korea, United States
Old School Badges
Pioneer Badge