Fotos de Cheyon Sheen

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Visão geral

  • 4 referências 4 Confirmado e Positivo
  • Fluente em: English, French, Sign Language - American; aprendendo: Arabic, Korean, Spanish
  • 23, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2019
  • Student
  • Civil Engineering and Environmental Studies
  • De ID, USA
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

I originate from Korea, I currently live in the USA, and went to Belgium on a foreign exchange program! I love to experience new cultures and love to try new foods! I am super outgoing and am super passionate about the environment!

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

Before 2018, I had no desire to travel. I figured that when I was old and retired I could travel whenever I wanted, so my goals were to start university right away and a career. But I soon began to realize that there was more to the world than the small town I lived in, so I decided to participate in a student exchange program in Belgium. Since then, my earnest desire to travel the world has immensely grown. I don't travel to take pictures of big monuments and just post it on my social media, I travel to single-handedly experience the culture of the local community. That means learning the history of these monuments and meeting the people! Couchsurfing is a great way to do that! I have already met some great people who have taught me so much about their city. That's why I continue to use Couchsurfing !


  • arts
  • environment
  • running
  • crafts
  • gardening
  • traveling
  • biking
  • zero waste
  • rubik's cube

Músicas, Filmes e Livros

Some of my favorite...

Books: Grapes of Wrath, The Hundred Dresses, Tale of Two Cities, Frankenstein, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-time.

Movies: HOT ROD (an ALL TIME FAVORITE) The Grinch (the original and the new one!), Harry Potter (all of them but specifically The Prisoner of Azkaban)

Songs: Saw you in a Dream by The Japanese House, Yoshimi Battles the Pink Robots pt 1 by The Flaming Lips, Past Lives by BORNS, Loving is Easy by Rex Orange County, Crush by Tessa Violet, 1000C by Lomepal, James has Changed by Phoebe Ryan, Malibu Nights by LANY, Homesick by Dualists Lips, Comme si by Evergreen, Honest by Austin Pattern, and more...

Podcast: Modern Love, Heart of Gold with Ruth Negga. (If you have listened to this podcast you will be pleased to hear that I have a MINI of my own :))

Uma Coisa Incrível que Eu Fiz

One thing that I felt was missing in my rural, conservative town was environmental initiative, and, having the environmental passion that I do, I responded to this deficiency by starting an environmental program at my school, which began with implementing a multi-mixed recycling system that effectively runs biweekly. In order to achieve this, I designed the bins necessary and was able to get them fabricated and furnished, then placed them throughout my school for all students and staff to use. These cardboard recycling bins gave many artistically inclined students the opportunity to display their talents by painting the bins and creating eco-friendly posters (some of which I did myself). I gained 20 members for my newly created Environmentalist Club, where we have been able to plant trees on school property, bring plants into classrooms, and take a variety of other actions to reduce the school’s overall ecological footprint. In addition, I established a movement called “Bike to Keep Beauty,” which has reduced the amount of vehicles ridden decreasing harmful emissions and increasing health. I’m currently attempting to educate more students through a self-made interactive presentation about the importance of proper recycling and visit their classes to inform them on how to recycle. I’ve visited and conversed with school district authorities and the local chamber of commerce to ask and encourage them to find ways to be more environmentally conscious, and I hope to work with them further to establish a firm foundation in environmental protection. I also attempted to create a school garden which was denied, but is currently being revised in hopes of approval. Furthermore, I’m working to install solar panels, rid the lunchroom of foam trays, replace paper towels with hand dryers (connected to clean energy), fund plastic recycling bins, and create a portfolio website to share Environmentalist Club’s activities and advocate for an environmentally conscious lifestyle. Through all of this, the amount of recycling has increased immensely, and more students are aware of environmental issues. I have accumulated over 150 hours in this project and I continue to do other environmental projects at my new university!

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

Some future travels include:

Países que Visitei

Belgium, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, Vatican City State

Países em que Morei

Belgium, South Korea, United States

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