Fotos de Christopher Chan

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  • Última conexión hace 3 meses

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  • 4 recomendaciones 3 Confirmadas y positivas
  • Idiomas que habla bien English, Malay; está aprendiendo Chinese, French, German, Spanish
  • 36, Hombre
  • Miembro desde 2013
  • Former Bank Manager in Standard Chartered Bank
  • Hospitality Management
  • No se ha indicado la ciudad natal
  • Has completado un 100% de tu perfil

Sobre mí


Starting my journey of traveling soon but what holding me back, of course, is the finances for traveling :D


Hi! Meet me, Chris. I use to work in a corporate world from the oil and gas industry to the Banking industry. After a long years of working on my career, I found myself stuck in a rut and get easily bored because I sense that my life is not colorful enough and desire to have a freedom then I thought to myself that the reason for that is because I am a workaholic, I spend so much time on my work but never do any travelling and not improving myself as a character what is the purpose of my life, what am i passionate about and what is my ultimate goals.

Hence from this, I tell to myself why not I go for traveling and maybe on the journey of my traveling I can find what I am searching for which is my life desire goals, I know it doesn't make sense but at least I know that when I go traveling I always feel joy and happiness and the best feeling is FREEDOM!

In Summary:
I am witty, Idealistic, spontaneous, impulsive, listener, down to earth, outgoing, friendly ahh! too many you will know me once you get to know me haha
I like to tell stories
I love to travel.
I love culture, music, art, history, cuisine, festivals, and much more.

I try to travel environmentally and open-minded. I hope I can connect with more of the couch surfing community and support others traveling also.

I think traveling is very important for the world to understand other history, cultures, and traditions
It gets you out of your comfort zone trust me I have been in comfort zone for a long time, people will say living in your comfort zone is good but then you will never learn or grow as a person. If you out of your comfort zone chances are you will find a confidence you never knew you had and be able to take on challenges you never would tackle previously example like stepping into a completely new world (foreign country)
The best part is you will make friends from across the globe. adding you a new friendship with a different culture and background and maybe discover new opportunities that you can try or having a similar interest that you can share with.
Since I am stocked on learning new languages, therefore, this is the best way to learn from a native speaker when you traveling.


Live by your dreams and aspirations. The only one that will hold you from that is yourself.

A person that does not know how to dream will be a bleak outlook on life.

Turn off your TV. Save your money, travel, and learn about the world.

Por qué estoy en Couchsurfing


I have never do any surfing before since I am just recently started to get active in Couchsurfing. Well, definitely I will make use of it once I start my traveling journey. Nothing much to share here because I haven't do any surfing yet RIGHT :D


Well once you joined coach surfing, you might as well do hosting for the traveler as a token of giving back to the traveler community who have been so nice and willing to let us stay on their place for free when we travel to their country.
Here is some brief description about my hosting for those who inquire with me.
I have two places one is my shared bedroom which I live with my family and where I stay the most because is nearby to the town and workplace
Another one is a private bedroom equipped with toilet and bathroom actually is one house whereby nobody is living it but fully furnished with furniture, the reason I don't live there is because is further from my workplace and I sometimes will go there just to check and do some housekeeping.
However just a head up the place I live in is at Kuala Belait District which is further to the city area Bandar Seri Begawan since public transport in Brunei is poor I suggest not to do last minute booking with me because I want to check my schedule if I can fit in during the time you come to Brunei as I can give you a transportation aid and tour around Brunei as long as you chip in my petrol. Don't worry car petrol in Brunei is ridiculously cheap. Cheaper than a bottle of water hahaha
Then again do give me a message first if there is anything you are expected during your stay because different traveler has different requirement of stay.


The above are a few of my interests and things I can try to experiment when I do my traveling.
Recently I have found a new interest which is photography where I like to take any interesting and beautiful landscape and views and also like to experiment taking a different angle of a picture to capture either the best moment or the best aesthetic photo.
I like to play musical instrument too but it depends on my mood. it would be great if I can hear a different type of music from a different type of musical instrument as each country might have their own national musical instrument and songs.
I like to watch people cooking as me myself do like cooking but don't really cook often since most of the time is prepared by my mum but if I live alone or if I stay at overseas I don't mind to do some cooking as long there is a kitchen for me to prepare the meal :D Cooking in overseas is the best as you will get to learn what type of groceries have in that country and can try to experiment cooking the local dishes.
Learning and exchange language is one of my interest too because wouldn't be great and fun if we can speak and communicate in their native language and of course it can help me to easily navigate myself in a foreign country where English is not the first language.

  • arts
  • culture
  • photography
  • festivals
  • coach
  • traveling
  • blogging
  • music
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • history
  • languages
  • language exchange
  • road trips
  • beaches
  • nature
  • friends
  • wanderlust
  • videography
  • europe
  • vlogging
  • digital nomad
  • digital marketing
  • east asia
  • southeast asia
  • european culture
  • european history

Música, películas y libros

Movies: Comedy, Action, Experimental, Documentary, Superheroes movies, Shark Tank any latest movie that seems interesting and informative

Music: all types of music that are pleasing to my ears :D

Books: Motivational, Poetry, Business related, Spiritual Bible, Self Enrichment, actually very few books are that good in my opinion.

Algo increíble que he hecho

The time when I travel to China, I went to an amusement park to do some sightseeing during that time we saw a few people was riding a quadricycle it is a bicycle which have four wheels and four seater for me it seems interesting whereby those people cycle to a very long route because the amusement park has a replica of the great wall judging from these you know how long is the route therefore to my curiosity i rented the quadricycle with that me and my lil brother and other two locals which is from another region joining us as we cycle for quite some time and we take a lot of different routes the day have almost turn to dusk so we decided to go back to where we rented our quadricycle as we journey back we realized that we are lost since we took a lot of different routes We open our mobile maps and check it, to our surprise we are really far away from where we started maybe around 20KM away. to our thought we say to ourselves if we were to cycle back the amusement park will be closed and we dont want to leave the quadricycle behind. With that we try to find a solution and we got an idea how to go back in a quick manner. Anyway if i keep typing it gonna be very long well i guess the remaining stories i will tell you when we meet hahaha sorry for the cliffhanger.

Another amazing thing i have done:
Turn off my tv. Save money, travel, and learn about the world. :D

Enseña, aprende, comparte


In term of language, I can teach you the local language and some of the phrases often used by the locals.
In term of sports, I can teach you how to play tennis and basketball as well a little bit of skimboarding surf.
In term of cooking, I can teach a simple local dish but recently I don't do a lot of cooking due to a busy schedule


You can learn all the above that I mentioned if we have that plenty of free time :D
You can also learn the culture and history when you visited the museum of my country.
You can learn some bar tricks and games that I have to pick up and learn by myself.


I like to meet local people who are educated about their roots and culture. This helps me get a better understanding of where I am. How to learn about other cultures is so important to my research.

Qué puedo ofrecer a los anfitriones

I can share whatever I have build and experience during my time of traveling.
Maybe some cooking recipe from my hometown and as well recipe that i learn from countries that I have visited.
I can share maybe some guitar chords that I have learned provided you play guitar.
Experience on my hosting when I host people to my place.

Países que he visitado

China, Macao, Malaysia, Thailand

Países en los que he vivido

Brunei Darussalam

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