Cristian Cristian的照片


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  • 180 评语 67 已确认并且正面评论
  • 精通 Italian; 正在学习 English, French, German, Spanish
  • 43, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2007
  • Traveler at the moment.
  • Life is my education and of course my parents
  • 未列出家乡
  • 个人主页已完成 100%



Being a Good person.


I'm a pretty quite guy who likes to enjoy life and meet new people from all around the world.

I like traveling, looking for something that can make me dream, I'm fascinated for languages (although I 'm not very good - still learning) and I like photography a lot. I like watching movies, anime (japanese animation) nesquik (a drink of cacao), climbing trees, theatre, taking long walks and hiking, green tea, beer, listening to music and playing guitar and keyboards(when I'm in the mood). Drinking with friends, the sea, colored things, the black and white, the mountain, beach, sports in the nature.I like riding my bike around the city. music, ..etc. I would like to surf (done), to do bunjee jumping (but im afraid of the high places and I think I would never try)..I'd like to make a long travel with a boat sometimes, but never happened. I am confident that dreams can happens, sometimes they seems so far, sometimes is needed to believe in it just a little bit more.


Happiness is hidden everywhere

Happiness is real only when shared

Don't regret for what you did, but for what you haven't done!

Sometimes happens that if you don't change the world, then the world will change you.

The book of Coelho "The Alchemist" really inspired my life.

Music is what feelings sound like. ~Author Unknown
Music's the medicine of the mind. ~John A. Logan
Music is the art which is most nigh to tears and memory. ~Oscar Wilde
There is no truer truth obtainable, By Man than comes of music. ~Robert Browning
Music produces a kind of pleasure which human nature cannot do without. ~Confucius

我为什么加入 Couchsurfing


Hosting Csurfers, being a guest, meetings, trying to make feel good my guests as well as I can. Showing around the best spots of my city. Having fun!
I love to make new friends, even if the most of times new friendships are unfortunately hard to keep because of the distance. But it's great how, thanks to an organization like CS, people can get to know each other. And sometimes we have the opportunity to know special persons in our lives.

I like to show my city when I have time and money to do so..


Mostly awesome experiences everywhere I go..When I can host seems to be travelling without moving, love that.

Couchsurfing is a terrific project, but be carefully because not everything is golden. Like everywhere
there are good people and bad. Some of them sign in just to try, not because they like the idea but just because it sounds a good way to meet girls/boys or save money and don't have any interest in sharing something with a stranger.

So you might meet some of this persons that are at their first experience, and you will have to deal it with careful.

There are cs that want to be more independent and maybe want to know your city on their own, and others that don't even want to get out of your house without you.

I used to host couchsurfers at my place.

I met very good friends in my city through CS.

I always surfed where it was possible! :)

Free hugs...amazing experience ;)

I attended to meetings, events, posts, parties..

I normally contact couchsurfers to hang out when I'm travelling because most of the times my hosts are busy with their job, so I want to meet more cs from the same place.

Sometimes, couchsurfers living in the same city knew each other thanks to me :)


a. If you do not have a reference, try to meet up with the locals in your area so you can have some reference.

b. Post a photo.

c. Send tons of emails to look for hosts. Finding a host is a random. I have heard people who have sent about 30-80 requests but did not get any host particularly if the city they are going is a tourist destination. In addition, usually the top 10 people in your search result are the one's who are usually booked with guest so if you do not hear a positive reply, believe that they are really booked.

Obviously if you ask a couch and you don't need it anymore, take your time to advise the persons to whom you wrote that you don't need it anymore..

d. Widen your range of selection....age wise, gender wise, distance wise, etc.

e. If you find a host, please be respectful (by tidying after yourselves and helping with dishes, etc.)


Cultures, learning new ways to live, open my mind and my heart as more as I can to enjoy and understand how beautiful can be the life. I also love art, places and beautiful landscapes, music,books,sports(when im not too lazy). Japan, japan martial arts, etc...a good party, good company with whom talking about parallel universes.
Sleeping till late in the week end when it's possible.

  • arts
  • writing
  • books
  • photography
  • cooking
  • beer
  • partying
  • drinking
  • boating
  • anime
  • movies
  • traveling
  • music
  • guitar
  • cycling
  • hiking
  • sports
  • martial arts
  • rock climbing
  • animation
  • languages
  • medicine
  • beaches


Music: every kind of music , it depends on the mood ,basically rock but I also like ethnic music, pop, R&B, jazz, punk,metal, classic music and so ooooon - music is a reason to live :)

Movies: Amici miei, Il cielo sopra Berlino, Crouching Tiger hidden Dragon, La dolce vita, The House of sand and Fog, 21 Grams, The Ice storm, The road to home, Carlito's way, Across the Universe, Arizona Dream, Memories of a Geisha, 7 samurai, Amelie, The Lord of the Rings, Tarantino, The great Lebowski, Last of the Mohicans, Matrix, Smoke, El amor perjudica seriamente la salud, L'auberge espanole.
There are so many other movies that I will never remember...!
I love cinema too.

Books: Those ones that can make me travel with the mind without moving , and all those that can teach me something to live better.


I can teach how to cook pasta, pizza, the typical dessert Tiramisu' :)


Austria, Belgium, Costa Rica, Czech Republic, France, Germany, Mexico, Netherlands, Nicaragua, Panama, Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland, United Kingdom, United States


Italy, Mexico, United States


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