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  • 16 references 12 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, French, German, Luxembourgish, Letzeburgesch; learning Dutch, Spanish
  • 54, Male
  • Member since 2010
  • create a new alternative way of living, down to earth
  • a wonderful childhood on my dadys farm
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


life is what happens while you're doing other plans


I'm a simple, honest and courageous Belgian.
I gave up my secure, individualistic live to find and create a new alternative life style. back to the roots, back to mother earth... I'm self-sustainable with my own veggies all over the year. right now I'm still working half time but my goal is to get even more independent.
I'm an open-minded and humble person and my interests can be as disparate as water and fire.
I like life in a simple way, a bit bohemian, freethinking...
I like to create, whatever wants to be created. right now I'm creating a small ecovillage/community with some amazing people.
remind: all your reading here is just a very tiny window into my life. and who knows, maybe it's just an illusion or even fake...
I'm allergic to cigarettes, fast food, meat and alcohol!!!


all what's in front of me is good for me and I'll eat it! yeah, that's live!
your mind creates the world (Buddha)
I'm not my body, I'm not my thoughts, I'm not my feelings, I'm playing in a movie...
be honest, (and your) live is good!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


when your traveling I thought it's impossible to host people. I thought...
but then I got stuck on bali for 5 months and, fortunately, I was so glad to make my first host experiences in my bungalow in ubud/bali, during my travel time. and they were amazingly positive! Thx CS!!!
since I'm surfing here and then.
and I hope to have soon again a couch available for you. because I really like to host and spend time with travelers!


only very positive experiences and I'm looking forward for more exchange and fun with couchsurfers...
this community is really great and unique. and it's much much more than just free accommodation. the truly cs spirit, that's what I'm looking for!


people in general, culture, countryside, train stations, chocolate, dancing, healthy food, ecology, all kind of spiritual and esoteric topics, airports, hiking, our planet, trekking, silence, eco-villages, communities, massage, lakes, vanilla custard (makes me forgive almost anything), honest and profound conversations, slow-sex, permaculture, rain, being the observer, really good sourdough bread, mountains, art, nature and environment, theater, salsa, drawing...

  • arts
  • culture
  • theater
  • dancing
  • environment
  • dining
  • chocolate
  • fast food
  • yoga
  • running
  • reading
  • traveling
  • drawing
  • hiking
  • backpacking
  • surfing
  • ecology
  • tourism
  • volunteering
  • lakes
  • mountains

Music, Movies, and Books

all crazy world music, especially Salsa and Bachata, folk, balkan, good electronic music, but also all kind of meditative and more spiritual music.
books: if only I could remember names!!!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

doing a volunteer job for a street-kids association in columbia, than running for your live because you detected the mafia activity behind the face of the association and made it public!!!
and later on, backpacking columbia with a 8 year young street-boy as guide, the most amazing and honest boy I ever med in my live!!!

being in indonesia on the rim of a 5 ha crater lake during an earthquake and watching the water level decreasing more than 10 m!!!

cruising and living in an old car trough the awesome landscapes of newzealands south island for 10 weeks

Teach, Learn, Share

let's exchange of whatever we can give each other. it's so amazing to get 'more rich' without any money, so let's share and learn from each other!
what can you exchange with me for a wonderful relaxing ayurvedic yoga massage?

Countries I’ve Visited

Austria, Cambodia, Canada, Colombia, Croatia, France, Germany, Greece, India, Indonesia, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malaysia, Nepal, Netherlands, New Zealand, Philippines, Singapore, Slovenia, Switzerland, Thailand, United Kingdom, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In

Belgium, Indonesia

Old School Badges

  • Pioneer Badge

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