Daniel Ramirez的照片


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  • 0 条评语
  • 精通 Spanish; 正在学习 English
  • 33, 男
  • 成为会员的时间:2014
  • Thinking, enjoying and living,
  • Universidad de Guadalajara (CUCSH)
  • 来自Los Mochis, Mexico.
  • 个人主页已完成 70%



Meet you and know you, i truly said it.


Political Studies and Governance student in Guadalajara, México. Eager to travel, discover and learn about other cultures, i'm opend minded and easygoing at least i think so since everybody says the same thing...


1.To travel,to experience new cultures,to meet new people of course.
2. To taste new flavors, i like eat a lot oddly
i'm thin as a stick...
3. To practice/learn any new language.

Althought i'm not RT news fan, i loved this documentary

(specifically the mongol family part)

  • documentaries
  • technology
  • news
  • traveling
  • guitar
  • piano
  • engineering


The Beatles, The Strokes, Queen, Arctic monkeys, Koji Kondo's music, Enanitos Verdes, Jaguares, Traditional mexican music.

Some movies i like: Scott Pilgrim vs the world, Pulp Fiction, One Day, Midnight in paris. Closer, Woody Allen movies,

Documentaries: Jacque Fresco's project zeitgest, How it's made?,

Series: How i met your mothers (but not the last season)

Books: A walk to remember, La sombra del viento, Pedro Paramo, El amor en los tiempos del colera, como ganar amigos e influir sobre los demás, El Principito.


I almost drowned in the sea... not kiddin :D but it was amazing in a cool and not cool way.


I can tell you about computing engineering, about tales of my mere existence, tech you how to play some beatles's songs in the piano or guitar,
I can tell you stories from my home country and their traditions also i might tell you some tales from works i had.

I would like to learn whatever you have about you, about your life style, about your philosophy, about your country, about your traditions, anything.

Also i would like to learn french.

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