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  • 7 references
  • Fluent in English, Spanish; learning French, Italian
  • 31, Male
  • Member since 2012
  • Student at Wake Forest University
  • UNCSA, Wake Forest
  • From King, NC
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


To meet new people from other cultures


Easy outgoing person with a love for saxophone and travel! I want to meet many people form many different backgrounds because I feel that the way to beat adversity and our poor state of humanity in this world is to understand everyone! We can only understand everyone by meeting them and experiencing their way of life and culture!


I have become slightly sad at the way that our world has become concerning other humans. We are humans and by natural law we have humanity, but modern society has changed a lot of our humanity and turned it for the worse! We need to go back to being human and caring for others! I feel that the best way for that to happen is to experience everyone else's culture and be a part of their society, step by step! We should all try to achieve peace in this world by understanding others! :)

After I graduate or finish all my schooling, and maybe even during, I wanna put into plan an organization that helps out people in types of need! For me, it is important to give back since I was given so much! A caring family and a place to stay during my childhood and growing life. Some poeple do not have that! I wanna have the resources one day to give back!

Why I’m on Couchsurfing


I am currently a couchsurfer, but when I get back home, I will open my doors to anyone who would like to pass by my small town!!!


Hopefully it will be a good one!!!


Studying, tennis, playing the horn and traveling! Also, I am a foodie! I love good food and will wait for whatever good that comes my way. Also, traditional food that shows the history of a place!

  • culture
  • dining
  • traveling
  • music
  • jazz
  • tennis
  • emergency services
  • history
  • law

Music, Movies, and Books

SO MANY!!! Arg ok, Mouling Rouge! Great movie! Godfather trilogy! Pulp Fiction, one of the best movies ever made! Raging Bull, Midnight Cowboy! Artsy movies that actuall show an emotion!

Books: I love anything by Gabriel Garcia-Marquez! Pablo Neruda is incredible! Also Classics like Crime & Punishment, War & Peace, Heart Of Darkness, Death of A Salesman! And many more!

Music: I am a classical saxophone player, so I love classical music! It gives me a feeling that nothing else does! Jazz is also incredible and can inspire liek nothing else! For fun I listen to Alt. Rock and Classic Rock as well and Modern Pop stuff! Favorite band is The Strokes!!! Listen to them, they are amazing!

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Meeting Wynton Marsalis(Amazing jazz trumpeter) and Steward Copeland(Drummer for The Police). I hope I can add a lot more to this list while my growing process! I want to learn, live, give and do a lot!

Teach, Learn, Share

My life philosophy, although I think some people have it, or most, I actually feel it in my heart immensely. When I ahve the resources available to do more, I will do more because to help our world we need to help our people! I would also liek to teach music! It feels my heart with every emotion possible! I would liek to learn everything and anything!

Countries I’ve Visited

France, Greece, Italy, United States, Vatican City State

Countries I’ve Lived In

Argentina, United States

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