Fotos von David Fox

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor etwa 4 Jahre

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  • 0 Referenzen
  • Spricht fließend English, Irish; lernt zurzeit Italian, Polish, Serbian
  • 26, Männlich
  • Mitglied seit 2018
  • Student
  • Keine Angabe zum Bildungsweg
  • Aus Cork, County Cork, Ireland
  • Profil zu 95 % vollständig

Über mich

Hello! My name is David, I'm 20 years old and I'm currently studying Computer Science in Cork, Ireland. There are plenty of things I'm passionate about but the most important ones to me are experiencing new cultures and connecting with inspriring people. The Couchsurfing network perfectly embodies that for me and so I like to use it to make every travel experience an enjoyable one and to hopefully make other people's travels to Ireland (particularly Cork) more memorable. If you ever want to chat or ask a question then just hit me up!

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin

To meet new people and learn about their cultures and passions.


I work in a bike shop so I love to talk about everything to do with bikes! I do a lot of distance running as well and I compete around Ireland and sometimes Europe as much as I can. Languages I something that I have a huge interest in so I try to dabble in as many different languages as possible. Aside from this, I absolutely love everything to do with movies - watching them, analysing them, and discussing them with friends.

  • running
  • movies
  • reading
  • cycling
  • swimming
  • languages

Musik, Filme und Bücher

Music - The Academic, Florence + The Machine

Books - Captain Corelli's Mandolin, The Shining

Movies - Goodfellas, Sing Street, The Godfather, The Grand Budapest Hotel, In Bruges

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

I have represented Ireland in triathlon at a European level when I was 17 and 18, but my focus has no switched to running and I hope that I get more opportunities to represent my country over the next few years

Was ich mit Gastgebern teilen kann

A lifetime of Irish luck, a pint of your choice, Irish treats and hopefully just good memories!

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe


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