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  • 72 references 31 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English; learning Spanish
  • 51, Male
  • Member since 2008
  • Relief Manager for Mining Contractor
  • School of life
  • No hometown listed
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me


Find happiness in everything I do. Just enjoy life.

Anyone on a working visa with over 12 months remaining who is looking for work in the mining services industry. Contact me for information. Lots of jobs available.


I have lived in Townsville for 35 years. It's home although home is wherever I am in the world really.


I am an old school couchsurfer and host who believes in the original values of CS. It is not for 'Free' accommodation or stop overs on the way to somewhere else. Couchsurfing should always be a cultural sharing opportunity. The host determines the house rules and should disclose them either before or on arrival and it is the obligation of the guest to abide by those rules. The host is under no obligation to provide anything other than a roof over your head although I believe a clean sleeping surface/bed and a toilet and shower/bath is a basic that anyone who is a host should provide. The rest is up to individual circumstances. 

I have been a guest many times and believe guests should be respectful of someone else's home/privacy at all times. A guest should not overstay their welcome and be prepared to vacate or change plans if the hosts situation changes. Guests should not assume that they have access to food or other essentials unless the host offers. Ask, don't assume. A host is not a tour guide or a taxi driver but often will offer to take the guest places. I personally love showing people around my part of the world but sometimes other commitments doesn't allow it. A guest should never assume it is ok to bring other people to the hosts home without permission. If you are travelling with other people a guest should disclose this before accepting the stay. 

Every hosting situation is unique so never assume just because one person does something that another will do the same. Communication is the key. I find many 'less than positive' CS experiences are a result of bad communication between host and guest.

Write a reference for every experience and if you have a negative experience with either a guest or host then do not write a 'Glowing positive' reference. In saying that do not exaggerate a negative experience because of a difference of opinion or bad communication. Be factual with references and that way future hosts/guests can make up their own minds what to do.

Also CS is not Tinder! It should never be used to 'pick up' people. This crosses a line that puts the whole system at risk. Inevitably some host/guest relationships will happen but should/must always be consensual and never and expectation.

Money should never be expected from hosts. It is not AirBNB. If you are not offering to host for the cultural experience then you are not using CS for what is is intended.

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I balance work and travel and hope to travel more and more going forward. I host when I can and look for hosts whenever I travel to share the Couchsurfing spirit.


Many many great experiences and adventures and lots of room for more. Never had a negative experience.
I have made a lot of great friends around the world so will forever be thankful to CS for that.


Everything and everyone. I am not the kind of person that limits 'interests' to a list because my list will be never ending. Always keen to learn and experience anything new.

  • culture
  • cooking
  • wine
  • live music
  • hiking
  • adventure travel
  • food
  • adventure
  • fun
  • life
  • exploring new places
  • exploring nature
  • meet new people
  • mountain hiking
  • glaciers
  • swimming in the sea

Music, Movies, and Books

I will just about watch, listen to or read anything if you tell me it is worth doing.
Give me a cookbook or a travel guide or a hiking map and I'm happy :-)

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Every life experience is amazing. The people I have met through Couchsurfing is amazing. I have had so many experiences now I hesitate to rate them as they are all amazing! Swimming in underground Cenotes in Mexico was pretty cool. Seeing the sun rise over the Salar de Uyuni was pretty cool. Hiking to Everest Base Camp was cool. Standing in the mist of Iguazu Falls was pretty cool. Camping in the mountains in northern Argentina was pretty cool. Sailing around Menorca with amazing friends was pretty cool. Swimming in underground Cenotes in Mexico was pretty cool. Life is pretty cool :)

Teach, Learn, Share

I am the kind of person who is pretty good at everything but expert at nothing so my knowledge may be limited but diverse....if that makes sense. I am always willing to share everything and if I can teach you anything new then I am more than happy to do so. While I may not have the answers to life's questions I enjoy contemplating them with others.

What I Can Share with Hosts

I can share with you my experience as a traveller, a business person or something about life. I like to learn about people, places, culture, food and what it is that makes a person or people tick. I love to cook ;)

Countries I’ve Visited

Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cuba, England, France, Greece, Indonesia, Italy, Japan, Malaysia, Mexico, Nepal, New Zealand, Philippines, Portugal, Singapore, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, United States

Countries I’ve Lived In


Old School Badges

  • 15 Vouches
  • Pioneer Badge

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