Denéa Buckingham's Photo

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  • 19 references 15 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English, Greek (modern), Spanish; learning Chinese, French
  • 37, Female
  • Member since 2012
  • Filmmaker / Humanitarian
  • University of Southern Queensland
  • From Sydney, New South Wales, Australia
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Terminally itchy feet and a culture-focused filmmaker by serendipity. Loving life to the fullest.

I am a 'mutt', an unashamed "world child" with parents from Canada / Australia and I was born in the USA. I've lived a crazy life so far and it's taken me to wild places and introduced me to truly amazing people.

I work on computers and in film edit suites but my heart lies outside, and under the water. I spend as much time in nature and under the sea as possible and I am passionate about working together for the good of us all, and our beautiful planet home. I believe that by opening our worlds we open our minds and by coming together we can create a better tomorrow.

I'm currently traveling the world working on the human-focused media project

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

I am constantly travelling and currently in the final planning stages of a long-term, human-focused global project. Couchsurfing is a way to meet real people, have experiences you could never plan on a booking site, and see a whole different side of the world.


I'll try just about anything (at least once). I love facing fears and expanding horizons. The only thing I'm not down for is bungee jumping but aside from that, I know some things I love and I can't wait to find out others when I come across them!

  • writing
  • photography
  • film making
  • dancing
  • movies
  • traveling
  • cars
  • painting
  • music
  • scuba diving
  • sailing
  • fencing
  • archery
  • languages
  • language exchange
  • freediving
  • spearfishing
  • wolves
  • cinematography
  • caving
  • murals

Music, Movies, and Books

Books - so many!! Currently in love with the Elena Ferrante 'Neopolitan Novels'. Neil Gaiman, Laurie R King, Clive Cussler, Marc / Horace Ashton. "The Spirit of Villarosa" is a book I believe every traveler must read during their time on the road.

Movies/TV - Lucy, The Thomas Crown Affair, the whole Bewitched series (because it's just fantastic), Penny Dreadful, Game of Thrones (as everyone)

Music - I just like what I like and I know when I hear it. Also a big fan of immersing in the local music from wherever I am.

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Man. So so so many - read some here:

Teach, Learn, Share

I can teach map making, basics of film editing, baking (with chocolate preferably..) and how to sing bad karaoke.
I love learning languages and new skills, especially outdoors! I would love to learn to surf and play guitar.
I can share cold beers, stories and seats around bonfires.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Stories from life, deep conversations (if you like that sort of thing), a love of the world, I'm a great cook, I make calligraphy maps and Japanese brush pen drawings (mostly of sea creatures), and I love to learn about the lives of others.

Countries I’ve Visited

Australia, Bulgaria, Canada, China, Curaçao, Cyprus, Dominican Republic, Egypt, England, Fiji, France, Greece, Guatemala, Haiti, Hong Kong, India, Indonesia, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Kosovo, Lebanon, Macao, Malaysia, Mexico, Monaco, New Zealand, Panama, Puerto Rico, Scotland, Serbia, Singapore, Solomon Islands, Spain, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States, Virgin Islands, U.S.

Countries I’ve Lived In

Australia, Canada, Greece, India, Panama, Philippines, Solomon Islands, Spain, United States

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