Fotos von Denise F.

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  • Letzte Anmeldung vor etwa 9 Jahre

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  • 8 Referenzen 8 Bestätigt & positiv
  • Spricht fließend German; lernt zurzeit English, French, Norwegian, Russian, Spanish, Swedish
  • 41, Weiblich
  • Mitglied seit 2008
  • student
  • tourism
  • Kein Heimatort aufgeführt
  • Profil zu 100 % vollständig

Über mich


making the impossible possible


There is not so much to say about me! I am an opened, interested and freedom - loving girl who likes travelling around and enjoy time with dulcet people!

After working in Bergen for a travel agency that organizes shore excursions for cruise ship guests I am momentarily working as a Safari Guide for Lapland Safaris.

But so far, what was going on in my here if you are interested ;)

I stopped my first "career" at the inland revenue in munich in 2006 to study from thenceforward tourism in Wernigerode! I like to learn languages, because it brings me closer to communicate with more cultures - even though the Finnish language is a challenge in itself!

To finance my study and my travels I worked here and there - doing a lot of different things, e.g. at the University of Applied Sciences Harz, in a hotel / restaurent, for a tax advisor, doing some promotion and working on some exhibitions. What comes, that comes...

I love travelling and I´ve just seen a very small part of the world yet - so the whole world lies ahead of me to be explored :)

I have many dreams and I hope some of them will become reality - I will do my best to reach this :) But as a the great musician Karajan once said: "The one who achieves all his aims - probably set those to low."

Oh, realising that there was more to say about myself as originally thought I set a point over here. More stories you´ll get to hear once we meet in person...


If you give up freedom to get security - you'll loose both.

"Ways come into existence, if you walking them." (German: "Wege entstehen dadurch, dass man sie geht." Franz Kafka)

Warum ich bei Couchsurfing bin


By being a nice guest, offer my roof to sleep under and spread the world about this great project!

Although I just have little place here in Rovaniemi where I am at the moment live, your welcome to visit Santa Claus and stay here in my very little room...
When coming to Rovaniemi I´ll try to find the time to be somewhat together... have a coffee, give information and help!


Thanks Rovaniemi I am not anymore a newbie.. got as many requests as never before... why is Wernigerode not that attractive to foreign people!? I cannot understand... I spent nearly 3 years in this wonderful, charming city located in the heart of Germany, that especially in summer and autumn offers a lot of possibilities to be active in the nature around - the Nationalpark Harz!!! Please... could you do me a favour!? Go there! :D


I love sports, nature, concerts, travelling, learning (you can never learn enough), picking up blueberries in the forest (as I learn to love during my stay in the wonderful Finland), etc. Buuuut... mostly I like to do those things with people I like... then I enjoy it the most! My friends are the best that happened to me!!! But of course I also love to get to know new people... one more reason why for participating in the Couchsurfing project!

But in the end I am also a person that needs a bit time to find my internal calmness, e.g. reading books, making and editing photos, listing to music, beeing creative, playing the guitar and much more... damn, I have to much interests ;)

  • books
  • concerts
  • coffee
  • walking
  • reading
  • traveling
  • music
  • guitar
  • sports
  • languages
  • tourism

Musik, Filme und Bücher

- books: Paolo Coehlo (Veronika beschließt zu sterben, Der Alchimist), 1984 von George Orwell, Drop City von TC Boyle to name a few. Years ago I was I fan of John Grisham and read nearly all of his books. Sometimes I like to read Stephen King! Furthermore I simply enjoy reading novels.

- music, mainly: punk-rock, rock, irish folk...
... also lot of other kind of music I cannot describe

- bands: dropkick murphys, against me, bouncing souls, rise against, social distortion, turbonegro, bitume, Lars Winnerbäck,...

- movies: Beautiful Mind, Babel, Butterfly Effect, Good Will Hunting

Eine tolle Erfahrung, die ich gemacht habe

My trip trough Syria and Jordan, my studies in Sweden as well as my training in Finland... but there's much more that needs to be done :O

Lehren, lernen, teilen

Languages, especially Finnish!!!
Other cultures, traditions, opinions, settings, experiences,etc... you've never learned enough!

Learn from the others...

Länder, die ich besucht habe

Austria, Czech Republic, Egypt, France, Hungary, Italy, Jordan, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia, Turkey, United Kingdom

Länder, in denen ich gelebt habe

Finland, Sweden

Old School Badges

  • 2 Bürgens

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