Diane Wesh's Photo

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  • 13 references 4 Confirmed & Positive
  • Fluent in English
  • 32, Female
  • Member since 2017
  • Photographer
  • Masters of Law
  • From Virginia Beach, VA, USA
  • Profile 100% complete

About Me

Hi, my name is Diane. I am a recent graduate of Regent Law and an adventure photographer. I absolute LOVE meeting new people from all over the world and immersing myself in different cultures and experiences. I love to share stories and embark on amazing adventures. Soon to be moving to New Zealand November 2019 !

Why I’m on Couchsurfing

Couchsurfing is a way of life. I absolutely could not imagine happiness without it; I have forged so many beautiful, bold, and brilliant relationships from it.

Music, Movies, and Books

Music: Hip-hop, R&B, Country, Rock, Reggae

Movies: The Notebook, Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings

Books: Walking to Listen, The Yellow Envelope, The Pilots Wife (anything by Anita Shreve).

One Amazing Thing I’ve Done

Here are a few Things :)

(1) Summer of 2017, after I graduated from Law, I booked a one way ticket and backpacked solo through Europe and the Middle East.
I visited Iceland. Ireland, Italy, Greece, and Turkey.

It was the most eye opening experience of my life and it completely changed me. Now I can’t srop traveling :)

(2) January - Feb 2018
I backpacked solo for an entire month from Washington to Oregon to Cali. I went on the most epic hikes and met some of the most amazing people through CS. When I arrived in Cali I rented a campervan for a week and traveled the Coast of California.

(3) April of 2018, I walked into the barber shop and told him to "cut off all my damn hair" then booked a one way ticket and moved to Alaska to start my life as a nomad.

(4) August 2018, I went on an 8 day campervan roadtrip with a friend down the AlCan Highway. Then I traveled solo to WA, CO, and now I have settled for a little while in AZ :)

5.) Feb. 2019, I packed my bags and moved to Colorado to work for a Hostel then I headed to Alaska for another summer :D now currently in VA spending time with my family before I travel Asia for a month and move to NZ

Teach, Learn, Share

I want to continue to learn about other cultures so that I can dissimenate that information to my family, friends, and the world. I want to strengthen relationships with people who are different from me and teach them about my ethnicity, our struggles, our fears etc (vice versa).

But at the same time I want to build a bridge of love, hope, and peace and hopefully empower, inspire, and transform the lives of everyone I meet along the way. My life goal, is to be a blessing and light to others.

What I Can Share with Hosts

Stories of my adventures. Yummy food: I love making taco soup for couchsurfers. I can share a piece of my heart, my knowledge, and wisdom that I have obtained from my various traveling experiences. I can share my positive energy and light which is a gift I have been blessed with: the ability to speak life into people with my words and inspire them with my authenticity.

Countries I’ve Visited

Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Brazil, Cayman Islands, Cuba, England, France, Greece, Honduras, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Mexico, Puerto Rico, Turkey

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