Fotos de Dina Megid

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Visão geral

  • 1 referência
  • Fluente em: Arabic (Egypt), English; aprendendo: French, German
  • 30, Feminino
  • Membro desde 2015
  • Nenhuma ocupação listada
  • Vlerick Business School
  • Nenhuma cidade natal listada
  • Perfil 100% concluído

Sobre Mim

I am currently doing my master's degree in Belgium. Also, at this phase of life, I know I'm crazy about travel and anything that has to do with new adventures.

I'm on Couchsurfing because I am excited to start building new social networks all around the world. I believe everyone needs this kind of exposure because only then will we really be able to spread joy all over the continents.

One thing that is crucial if you want to know more about me; I have a thing for dogs and they come on top of my priority list (definitely one of my favorite creatures on the planet).

I am a very open person who loves sharing memories with those around me. Listening to people's stories and sharing my thoughts makes me happy. I'm always up for a good laugh and I never regret anything.

Por que estou no Couchsurfing?

I'm simply on Couchsurfing because I want to get to know more people from each country across the world.


I like to read and constantly learn. Playing along with animals always makes me feel better, especially after a long tiring day. I enjoy long drives with the music on so loud, road trips, taking pictures, and visiting museums.

  • animals
  • dogs
  • cooking
  • traveling
  • music
  • road trips

Ensine, Aprenda, Compartilhe

I think that any conversation or situation can teach you something and add to the knowledge you already possess. So I hope that any chance to engage with other coushsurfers will be a learning experience for both of us.

O Que Posso Compartilhar com Anfitriões

I can cook for you some of the most famous Egyptian meals :).

Países que Visitei

Belgium, France, Germany, Netherlands, Russian Federation, Turkey, United Kingdom, United States

Países em que Morei

Belgium, Egypt

Registre-se no Couchsurfing para ver o perfil completo de Dina.